Topic: Option to disable automatic ffdshow raw activation
I don't know if it's possible to deactivate this but each time I launch svp it activates ffdshow raw and I'd like an option to not activate it.
That is, I have some movies that I can't use with svp since they are too cpu demanding (1080p) so I don't use it for smooth motion. So the thing I do is to use dxva for these kind of movies with vmr9 as renderer (Windows XP) and I have ffdshow raw added to the external filters in MPC which is disabled.
But when I watch some movie/clip that my cpu can handle 720p I activate ffdshow in the external filters and madvr renderer. The problem is that svp enables ffdshow raw so the next time I want to watch a 1080p clip I have to disable ffdshow raw in external filters but ALSO I have to go to ffdshow config window to disable raw support.
No big problem but little annoying
EDIT: Or option to restore previous state of ffdshow raw when leaving svp would be best...