Topic: Smooth Video's Effect on Brain
By searching online about Smooth Video technologies, I came to realize that most people don't like this effect because it is too life-like. Even for the movie The Hobbit shot at 45fps, most people didn't like it. Curious...
What I'm doing with media is Transformational Entertainment, where I use videos carrying a very high consciousness to ground into those higher states. It is extremely powerful. Here's an example of that.
With SVP, it's like taking the glass out of the screen and the effect is MUCH more powerful!
And, I also believe the video gets interpreted by a different part of the brain. The brain analyzes 24fps videos with the frontal lobes. However, since the brain can't make the difference between 60fps and reality, I believe it goes straight to the cortex. And that's the very reason why most people don' t like that, especially with the toxicity that is dominant on TV.
So... 60fps is BAD for fiction, GREAT for grounding.