1 (edited by SABERWOLF 14-07-2014 15:22:49)

Topic: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

I have been trying to get KMPlayer and SVP player to behave properly with one another but have been unable to do so.

I applied both both filters (LAV Video Decoder/ffdshow raw video filter) in KMPLayer


Bot the only way for me to get SVP to work in KMPlayer is if I set both filters to Use forcibly, when this is done some vids tend to play ok an some don't, 3D movies immediately when filters are set too Use forcibly

I would just say it's a problem with just 1080p vids



which appear to crash a lot, but I am experiencing problems with a lot of my 720p (not all) vids at times as well.

When I set filters too Don't use/Set Merit I can play all my vids  (1080p/720p/4K/3D) in KMPlayer with no issues, problem is... SVP is not running cause  the LAV Video Decoder/ffdshow raw video filter filters are not being recognized.

Any advise?

2 (edited by SABERWOLF 14-07-2014 14:04:16)

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Here is my SVP crash log, if it helps  big_smile

Thanx in advance  lol

Post's attachments

SVP LastErrorLog.txt 69.94 kb, 712 downloads since 2014-07-14 

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

I don't see pictures in the first post sad

Crash log tells about wrong levels value in avisynth script after SVP autocrop function.

Error: Error preparing smooth playback! Script error:
SVAnalyse: non-valid number of levels (1)
(C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\AVS\ffdshow.avs, line 39)
(C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\AVS\ffdshow.avs, line 55)
(ffdshow_filter_avisynth_script, line 4)

Your video has dimentions 958x816 px.
Autocrop detects black borders [2:132:0:132] (left:top:right:bottom).
Result gets dimetions 958-2-0 x 816-132-132 = 956x692 px.

Please show your script and additional info from SVP tray menu - Information.

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Now I see the pictures. avsFPS.txt error is really old and annoying error. I need to fix it first.
Levels error is new error and I need more info about it to find the real error.

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included


SVAnalyse: non-valid number of levels (1)


cropping (may be conditional cropping depending on resolution) could be enabled inside ffdshow filter and/or in KMP itself, check this please

6 (edited by SABERWOLF 16-07-2014 00:25:05)

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Ok guys   neutral

Here is what data I can collaborate for you.

Like I said it's generally 1080p media files that generate this error.

Here are some screens of my errors regarding the copies that I view

1080p 3D movie


1080p movie


Although I can't fully rule out all my 720p movies, but for the most part my 720p copies play more fluently than 1080p copies.

Here are those screens.

720p movies



Now the screens shots that you see above that are BLACK SCREENED (Which are the 1080p movie files) immediately crash upon opening with KMPlayer.

Where as the ones where you see picture playing (which are the 720p movies) , just as long as the movie starts too play I could open Avisynth an clear the script before the player crashes


Which after I've done so... the movie plays flawlessly through an through.

Why is Avisynth such a problem!  hmm

I hope this was enough info?

If not inform me as to what screen captures you want me to post as too what area an I will present them for you.

An thanx again for all your help.

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Video player error: "Visual C++ runtime error"

8 (edited by SABERWOLF 17-07-2014 02:06:02)

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Thanx for the page containing the above said information.

Video player error: "Visual C++ runtime error"

SVP can eat a lot of memory especially with multi-core CPUs with GPU acceleration enabled. This is not an issue with the default MPC-HC distribution but other video players may crash when memory consumption exceeds 2 GB limit for 32-bit process.

Luckily there's a simple solution for all that memory issues called 4GB patch from NTCore. Just run it and select video player's (or video encoder's) executable file.

The 4gb_patch did resolve my problem now the movie is playing in KMPlayer while SVP is open.

Also I downgraded to a lesser version of KMPlayer which is this one (KMPlayer being newer versions are cluttered with ads an such.

But it appears that a another problem has evolved?

My 3D movie plays pretty well as you can see


Which this is one of the movies that I illustared above that showed a black screen

1080p 3D movie

it plays but now the audio is out of sync, the audio is a bit too fast, by like 3 secs or so.

And this only happens while SVP is running, when I disable SVP KMPlayer handles the audio fine.

This does not regard all my movies thou, generally it's with the higher quality 1080p 3D movie files, and some non 3D 1080p files.

Anyway I could adjust this?


Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Maybe computer is just too slow to operate at those SVP settings?

1) I use custom build of ЛЬЗб it is called kmp3.8.0.120.lav I can give torrent link or you can google yourself.
2) Try to lower settings/profile to see i that helps with audio.

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Maybe computer is just too slow to operate at those SVP settings?

I don't think so?

I7 4777K

2X Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 Graphic Card - 850 MHz Core - 3 GB GDDR5 crossfired

an 16 GB of Dominator RAM

Don't think that's the issue thou..  sad

1) I use custom build of ЛЬЗб it is called kmp3.8.0.120.lav I can give torrent link or you can google yourself.

What is this? KMPlayer that you talking about? An what's costumized in this?

Sure.. sned me a link smile

2) Try to lower settings/profile to see i that helps with audi

Here is a screeny of that profile which I am viewing the above mentioned movie on


I am gueesing it's a 1080p profile which I am viewing all my 1080p movie files from, but where would I go to adjust something in order to fix this?

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Any solution on syncing the Audio with KMPlayer?

Re: SVP & KMPlayer wont cooperate (need advice) SVP crash log included

Video players compatibility table

KMPlayer: Not recommended, use Daum PotPlayer instead
