Topic: Why is this video lagging

I'm having problems with this video lagging.

As suggested previously, I created a new profile to ensure 29.97 render with a 2:1 ratio instead of the bastard 39:20 it was attempting. Still... (view attached file)

madVR's rendering time is 13ms in window mode (it can go up to 16.6ms without lagging but SVP isn't providing the frames fast enough), SVP) is running on the CPU, and the CPU is only loaded at 70% (I lowered the quality setting to see if it would still lag)

So what's going on here?

2 (edited by Mystery 30-12-2014 06:38:08)

Re: Why is this video lagging

And here's another one that is causing lag problems, again a 29.97 fps video that it was trying to render as 39:20

This time I have enabled OpenCL, created a new profile to double the frame rate, but... it's busting the Quad-Core i7 CPU @ 100%. Even if I set SVP Shader to Simple Lite. Even if I also set Motion Grid Precision to 1 pixel. It still busts at 100%

Re: Why is this video lagging

Show your profile settings?
I think you need to lower them more. Try it.

Re: Why is this video lagging

Before creating the new profile, it was using the 24fps profile. I lowered the settings in the 29.97 profile. See attached pictures.

Post's attachments

24fps.jpg, 52.1 kb, 421 x 463
24fps.jpg 52.1 kb, 455 downloads since 2014-12-30 

30fps.jpg, 50.68 kb, 431 x 457
30fps.jpg 50.68 kb, 464 downloads since 2014-12-30