Topic: Enable "Drop other frames" option in SVP is much smoother than Uniform

This option is very impressive to me.

Enable this option, I can see a powerful smoothness. and much more artifacts... (Only Animation, This option is very bad in real-life video.)
(I can't programming, and knowledges of programming is very poor)

When I enable this option, The lastest ffdshow's AVS script writes some new code "SelectEvery(2,0)".

It is so impressing. But much more artifacts include.

So... I'm trying some option of SVP shader. Using this page :

but I can't find good option for "SelectEvery(2,0)".

So, SVP Shader's limitation is "23.Complicated" (algo:23)?? I can give more CPU to SVP! Please more option~!

Playing with SVP is fun smile

Re: Enable "Drop other frames" option in SVP is much smoother than Uniform

Maybe you're using the mode that puts 1 real frame and then 1 svp frame and with the option, you drop every real frame? Maybe thats why its so smooth but Im a noob dont believe me xD

Re: Enable "Drop other frames" option in SVP is much smoother than Uniform

I think he talks about anime, where characters are often not animated in every frame.

Re: Enable "Drop other frames" option in SVP is much smoother than Uniform

Chainik wrote:

I think he talks about anime, where characters are often not animated in every frame.

Oh, I understood what you want to say. Thank you!