Topic: Confusion About Pre-set Video Provile Settings
Default settings in video profiles are as follows, 1920x1080@24, 1920x800@24, 1280x720@24, and 720x576@25.
When I play a movie in MPC-HC it chooses between 1920x1080@24 and 1920x800@24 and there doesn't seem to be any reason why one is chosen.
I thought a movie shot in an aspect (1.78:1) would automatically choose a a profile of 1920x1080 while a movie with an aspect ratio of 2.39:1 would choose a profile of 1920x800@24, how ever this doesn't remain constant.
At times it SVP chooses what ever it wants _ there isn't any consistency.
So I deleted all the profile except 1920x800@24 and played "Box Trolls" and even though it has an aspect ratio of 1.78:1, it played just fine filling the whole 16:9 screen.
I noticed that SVP seems to work better (less artifacts) when it chooses a profile of 1920x800 as apposed to 1920x1080.
Sometimes it can choose one or the other for the same movie if I shut MPC down and restart it _ it's random. Sometimes it will change if I pause the movie.
I'm thinking if I delete all the profile except for 1920x800@24, that would be the better thing to do ???
For the most part things work quite well and I may be splitting hairs, but I would like an explanation to this, of possible.