Re: I5 6500 vs I5 6600 vs I5 4690k,need help deciding on cpu for build.
If the video is h264, madVr would print it "Input -> Output", e.g. the video is h264 10-bit it would be "h264, 10 bit, 4:2:0 -> PO10, 10 bit, 4:2:0"
If the video is h265, it prints only output, e.g. "P010"
When using SVP, it can't have 10 bit output so the output is in 8 bit, so madVr would print "h264, 10 bit, 4:2:0 -> NV12, 8 bit, 4:2:0"
Of course you can forcefully the output to PO10 in ffdshow decoder setting though, but that's not recommended