Topic: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

Github links are DEAD as of 07/2019

Official Windows releases:

- light-weight standalone player
- well-known MPC-HC user interface
- based on libmpv
- cross-platform!

- in development, some menu items doesn't work at all

It doesn't accept "mpv.conf", all configuration should be made via UI.


Installation - Windows

Obviously it requires all the mpv stuff from SVP 4\mpv64 - libmpv, Python, vapoursynth.
1. remove mpv-1.dll from mpc-qt folder
2. add "SVP 4\mpv64" folder to both PATH and PYTHONPATH environment variables
3. in SVP - open "All settings", find "main.setup.mpv_pipe" which is "mpvpipe" by default and change it to "mpvpipe,cmdrkotori.mpc-qt.mpv"
4. restart SVP Manager

Post's attachments

mpc-qt-pipe.png, 33.98 kb, 716 x 327
mpc-qt-pipe.png 33.98 kb, 1718 downloads since 2016-12-29 

pythonpath.png, 11.57 kb, 700 x 384
pythonpath.png 11.57 kb, 1762 downloads since 2016-12-29 

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

some screenshots

Post's attachments

mpc-qt-1.png, 195.57 kb, 665 x 522
mpc-qt-1.png 195.57 kb, 4732 downloads since 2016-12-29 

mpc-qt-2.png, 28.81 kb, 719 x 741
mpc-qt-2.png 28.81 kb, 1674 downloads since 2016-12-29 

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

New build - rev.820.

A kind of changelog

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

I just saw this, should make it a sticky if you're going to keep us updated here @Chainik. I will most likely test it tomorrow. Interesting new project.

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

how was the performance compare to mpc?

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

should be exactly the same in mpv itself

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

MPV seems way too demanding for me every time I try it, at least for 4K Content anyway, which is what I do most my testing with now after I got a 4K TV.

4790K @ 4.6Ghz is hitting 97% CPU Usage and higher, video is in constant lag. Can't handle it.

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

there's obviously a bug with mpv/SVP/4K
will try to figure out what's the reason...

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

Chainik wrote:

there's obviously a bug with mpv/SVP/4K
will try to figure out what's the reason...

Thanks man, it would be great if you can look into it and somehow improve performance for 4K content. At least with MPV.

With MPC it's fine,but even MPC, with 10-Bit 4K content it can't handle it either. Not a big issue since I stopped downloading 10-bit 4K content.

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

is it me only? every time I use it with svp the audio desyncs

11 (edited by dlr5668 10-04-2017 22:05:23)

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

theonepugna wrote:

is it me only? every time I use it with svp the audio desyncs

any chance u watching anime with weird fps ? (aka Horiblesubs)

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine


Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

Chainik wrote:

and where do I enter this in MPC-QT?
@dlr5668, nope, I have this problem with every video, be it anime or live action movie

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

and where do I enter this in MPC-QT?

Hmm.... it's a good question! big_smile

I see a checkbox called "Tweaks" -> "Fast seek", but it isn't connected to anything in the sources.

Looks like it's time to create another issue to the dev

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

Chainik wrote:

and where do I enter this in MPC-QT?

Hmm.... it's a good question! big_smile

I see a checkbox called "Tweaks" -> "Fast seek", but it isn't connected to anything in the sources.

Looks like it's time to create another issue to the dev

sad, I'm kinda sad now, I can't use the simple MPV cause I have horrible screentearing in full screen with it, and I don't really like smplayer.. guess I'll wait for this one to get better and better big_smile

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

> I can't use the simple MPV cause I have horrible screentearing in full screen with it

since SMPlayer and mpc-qt use the very same rendering engine as "simple mpv" - what changes do you expect?

try "profile=opengl-hq" in mpv and turn on VSync in the video driver

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

the problem appears only when using MPV in fullscreen, if I use SMplayer or mpc-qt theres no problem and I've tried everything from what you said to using opengl-backend=dxinterop and opengl-dwmflush=windowed with backend=angle

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

I'd try this one

Makes the player window stay on top of other windows.
On Windows, if combined with fullscreen mode, this causes mpv to be treated as exclusive fullscreen window that bypasses the Desktop Window Manager.

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

Chainik wrote:

I'd try this one

Makes the player window stay on top of other windows.
On Windows, if combined with fullscreen mode, this causes mpv to be treated as exclusive fullscreen window that bypasses the Desktop Window Manager.

sorry for the late replay. after reinstalling everything seems like backend=dxinterop + ontop + fullscreen made it work somehow big_smile

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

Updated to rev.836 - "hr-seek-framedrop" exposed as "Tweaks -> Drop frames before the seek target in the decoder", off by default.

This should fix the audio desync issue.

21 (edited by brucethemoose 26-04-2017 00:36:16)

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

Love this player!

But the UI says I'm getting dropped frames with SVP on. MPC-QT and SVP quality settings don't seem to matter, only happens with SVP on... Gonna investigate some more, maybe the videos I'm watching are just screwed up.

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

So, will these builds be an option in the SVP 4 Pro manager soon? Or are we waiting on official builds?

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

+ properties window

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

There's an official Windows release now. Among other things, features that are WIP are now properly disabled (instead of just not working).

Re: New video player - MPC-QT - UI from MPC-HC + mpv engine

Looks promising but still incomplete