Topic: What would be great MadVR settings for anime and TV-shows?

I am searching for some great madVR settings for anime and tv shows, as I don't have clue what I should use and not. For all I know, i might be using useless features without realizing, so I would really appreciate the help!

Thank you! ^^

2 (edited by dlr5668 14-06-2017 09:47:15)

Re: What would be great MadVR settings for anime and TV-shows?

Its almost useless if u watch 1080p content @ 1080 monitor

Re: What would be great MadVR settings for anime and TV-shows?

Oh, then what should I set the scaling settings to DXVA?

Re: What would be great MadVR settings for anime and TV-shows?

There is a big thread about madVR @ Doom9.

Re: What would be great MadVR settings for anime and TV-shows?

Re: What would be great MadVR settings for anime and TV-shows?


Re: What would be great MadVR settings for anime and TV-shows?

It's a little outdated but all still relevant. I switched to NGU Anti-Aliasing from NNEDI3 because it has better render times and is tuned for animation. I would also recommend getting rid of profile switching based on filenames/formats because it makes no sense, just go by resolution. Which MadVR settings you end up using depends entirely on the power of your GPU. Since it will need to render each extra frame from SVP, the GPU gets pushed considerably more. Still the biggest limiting factor in my experience has been ram speed. Any ram OC dramatically improves SVP performance provided your CPU meets the minimum requirments.