1 (edited by Duckers 23-12-2017 14:25:53)

Topic: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

I tried to stream a full size 4k movie, but for some reason when i choose encoder as Nvenc, it still uses 100% cpu with barely 30 fps?

Streaming to my shield tv PRO which has a built in 4k chromecast.

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

there're no such words - "read only" - that you could "uncheck" in the folder properties window
you should check a "full control" option instead

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?


So what's this then? And how do i get svp to have full access to it to apply frame interpolation?


Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

man, if you open the wiki page, there's a link called "How to set folder permissions"
press it

5 (edited by Duckers 08-12-2017 14:26:28)

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

Chainik wrote:

man, if you open the wiki page, there's a link called "How to set folder permissions"
press it

I did, but apparently still gives me the issue. Went through it 3 or 4 times over and over to check that i did everything right.

Edit: Ok, so apparently the error is gone now. But i get this, and svp still doesn't activate. What now? :S https://i.imgur.com/qXUV92Q.png

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

> What now?

read other sections from the wiki page big_smile

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

Chainik wrote:

> What now?

read other sections from the wiki page big_smile

It said to activate deinterlacing, so i did, set it to on, nothing happend, retarted VLC and it's back to off again.

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?


Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

Where can i find those?

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

You're killing me.

I won't answer this question big_smile

11 (edited by Duckers 08-12-2017 21:33:21)

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

Chainik wrote:

You're killing me.

I won't answer this question big_smile

Thanks then.. Hellova support wink

Not everyone is born as the sharpest tool in the shed you know. Some of us struggle with keeping attention.

And since there's no WINDOWS video tutorial of it on the SVP youtube channel, then i'm stuck.

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

Q: how do i get svp to have full access... ?
A: look at the image labeled "How to set folder permissions" in the manual 
Q: What now?
A: read the manual
Q: Where can i find those <logs>?
A: See "troubleshooting" section in the manual starting from the words "Examine both VLC and SVP logs"

Could you please - PLEASE - read the <fucking> manual? hmm

13 (edited by Duckers 08-12-2017 23:15:03)

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

Read it. Messages/logs on both end doesn't state anything about either programs. SVP has no messages about VLC and neither does VLC have of SVP.

SVP injection is apparently activated, but VLC can't seem to use it at all.

(if only mpc hc supported streaming youtube playlists, i wouldn't have the need to F around with the crappy VLC..)

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

VLC's log doesn't show anything when turning on deinterlace? (open log first, then turn on deinterlace)

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

deinterlace error: unable to load vsscript.dll, check PYTHONPATH environment variable
core error: Failed to create video filter2 'deinterlace'
core error: Failed to add filter 'deinterlace'

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

I dont remember if we already checked that you've set PATH and PYTHONPATH correctly?

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

Set path? And what's pythonpath?

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?


Post's attachments

rtfm.png 178.47 kb, 208 downloads since 2017-12-09 

Re: The new SVP-cast is awesome! But why only cpu usage?

Set both the path's just like the pic, now i get this

lua error: 1 9SUrbImyTMo
lua error: 2 8IlP4z6zyOY
lua error: 3 PEn4TpAu1rc
lua error: 4 y3xw0Laiw6M
lua error: 5 8b6vPNzTMyM
lua error: 6 h9ijDChYPHg
lua error: 7 IksEAbc1i9g
lua error: 8 9LUftRUSDds
lua error: 9 NoGXPYtRnf4
lua error: 10 MZH6ubbbVzo
lua error: 11 3kNPG09QLgY
lua error: 12 9eheDjDtJmo
lua error: 13 3S_SVuRxbPI
lua error: 14 bUBlnkTE1Bk
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lua error: 20 irQHwb7e3m4
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lua error: 24 NMbJVchQV98
lua error: 25 CkCkFNJrhPY
lua error: 26 9eKi7zwLcHM
lua error: 27 vI7VXKXYzhY
lua error: 28 UC0HtlAZVnE
lua error: 29 xsaY4x8UKBE
lua error: 30 UQduElWFRSk
lua error: 31 he5uL1BqaKI
lua error: 32 TcqRy_LIiKA
lua error: 33 -YqinF5Xass
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lua error: 66 f5MD5MPTaEQ
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lua error: 69 78jd3DpAylc
lua error: 70 YEzp47byHKo
lua error: 71 ZdYqOsaNT-s
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core info: stopping playback
core info: stopping playback
core error: option sout-deinterlace-mode does not exist