Topic: HDR colors are off for green/red


First of all, great job both improving SVP's 4k performance and finding a way to transfer colors.

I am having issues on all HDR sources; reds seem very weak while also a green tint covers the majority of the films, resulting to distorted colors, specifically skin tones.

Is there some specific solution to this?

Re: HDR colors are off for green/red

any sample?

> finding a way to transfer colors

this's not a miracle, it's just a simple tone mapping in 8 bits color depth
don't expect too much

Re: HDR colors are off for green/red

Oh that's too bad, I thought it was all sorted yesterday but after watching a few things I can see it's not upto the standard HDR quality, back to the waiting game I guess as MPV is still a no go for me as well, CPU usage is still through the roof. sad