1 (edited by warrentheo 14-01-2019 08:38:01)

Topic: I apologize if this is a stupid question, but can't get trial started

I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I literally can't figure out how to get the trial started...  I am a programmer and run my computer in a VM on my custom built NAS, so I don't feel like a below average user...  But none of the options that come up on the page offer any way to start a trial, nothing I enter is accepted, license manager only seems to apply if I have a license, getting key from web site asks me to purchase something, closing the window just kills the app, and brings the license window back up when relaunched, and the FAQ and forum searches left me high and dry...

What am I missing?  The Wiki describes a decent product, but not being able to get the trial even started does not bode well for any purchasing plans in the future...

Post's attachments

SVP 4 License screen.png, 15.3 kb, 562 x 360
SVP 4 License screen.png 15.3 kb, 355 downloads since 2019-01-14 

Re: I apologize if this is a stupid question, but can't get trial started

trial doesn't work in VM

3 (edited by warrentheo 14-01-2019 15:34:14)

Re: I apologize if this is a stupid question, but can't get trial started

Chainik wrote:

trial doesn't work in VM

I use a Linux distro called UnRaid as my host OS, and run windows with GPU passthrough...  The only software that I have come across that didn't work with this setup was other software that required the hardware virtualization (VMware, or Virtbox) since UnRaid specifically disables nested VM's...

Are you saying that SVP specifically detects for being run in a hardware VM, and actively prevents it?  If so, that would make it very unusual software...  Also why doesn't it show an error message stating that is why it wont work?

Re: I apologize if this is a stupid question, but can't get trial started

Are you saying that SVP specifically detects for being run in a hardware VM, and actively prevents it?


5 (edited by warrentheo 14-01-2019 15:55:04)

Re: I apologize if this is a stupid question, but can't get trial started

Wow, I was sure that the previous reply just didn't know what was going on, but apparently you are correct, the licensing screen is different on my old windows tablet...

Why was this decision made?  This prevents me from even testing your software since my tablet is too old to even bother trying to run SVP on it...  Also why is there nothing on the downloads page, FAQ page, or the license screen that says that VM's are not supported??

Post's attachments

{924A5C5C-B098-4ED4-ADF2-B23D936B8323}.png.jpg, 53.65 kb, 579 x 422
{924A5C5C-B098-4ED4-ADF2-B23D936B8323}.png.jpg 53.65 kb, 339 downloads since 2019-01-14 

6 (edited by dlr5668 14-01-2019 16:28:32)

Re: I apologize if this is a stupid question, but can't get trial started

warrentheo wrote:

Wow, I was sure that the previous reply just didn't know what was going on, but apparently you are correct, the licensing screen is different on my old windows tablet...

Why was this decision made?  This prevents me from even testing your software since my tablet is too old to even bother trying to run SVP on it...  Also why is there nothing on the downloads page, FAQ page, or the license screen that says that VM's are not supported??

svp was cracked year ago so devs tweaked some stuff. Yep they should add some kind of message

7 (edited by warrentheo 14-01-2019 17:32:31)

Re: I apologize if this is a stupid question, but can't get trial started

This is a dead end for me, since I am not going to buy another windows license and another SSD to dual boot my NAS into just to test this software, especially since even trying would be very likely to kill my NAS setup in some way...  The VM really is my main computer, I have a ton of software and games, and this is literally the first one that I have encountered an issue with...

It also doesn't help when I start doing some quick google searches on the problem, there are multiple posts that keep saying usually it is malware that checks for running in a VM to prevent it being studied in a sandbox, and that legitimate users should avoid any software that detects for VM's...

8 (edited by James D 14-01-2019 18:01:46)

Re: I apologize if this is a stupid question, but can't get trial started

warrentheo wrote:

This prevents me from even testing your software since my tablet is too old to even bother trying to run SVP on it...?

There is a 15 days no-questions refund guarantee so that's the way to test it. Also you could try using older version which yet wouldn't have additional features and would have older GUI.