Re: 3D support

post here Information -> Additional information and "Performance graph" window screenshot

Re: 3D support

Left something playing for a few minutes.
There are many errors, most relting to low svp performance and variable framerate repair, having the repair on does'nt fix  the stutteringt/slow/jerky playback, frame rate is everywhere but 120hz

Getting closer smile

Thanks for your time and help smile.

Re: 3D support

what if do not turn on 3d vision?
just leave it with "viewing method" -> "source"

and by "Information -> Additional information" I meant text log file, it'll way more helpful than any screenshot  big_smile
and I need "performance graphs" window while playing video, not paused or stopped

Re: 3D support

Problem was there no matter what the output was even as source.

All night my fingers was tinkering, once i knew it worked it was my issue.

Luckily today i went back over your stereoscopic player tut and this time added lav filters allso, thought lav filters was not needed?

So now lav filters are added to filters  everything plays perfectly.

I'm over the moon now cos i was going to sell the benqw710st just to get a optoma gt750 for its sbs o/u just to work with svp.

Awsome, 3d films have never looked so good round here

Re: 3D support

Nice to see! smile

31 (edited by mocca 25-10-2012 20:26:37)

Re: 3D support

Thanks Mag79

I seen it work the other day but  did'nt really watch anything, Transformers dark of the moon intro is a serious test smile but has no real lip sync parts in the intro as its commentary vioce over.

Tried many files, all the same.

Sadly i have another issue now.
Using player to output 3dvision, once in full screen mode audio is out of sync by around 500/800ms, i say roughly as -250 still is'nt halfway close, while at desktop audio is in sync.

Any ideas anybody?

I could do with more video delay from svp panel.

Re: 3D support

Any ideas anybody?

- try to turn on and off check boxes at "Advanced options" - > "Troubleshooting"
- play with rendering options in NV control panel (first of all - disable ALL video "enhancement" features)
- turn off "3d vision"

Re: 3D support

Turning 3dvision off and going full screen has the audio in sync so it's the conversion to 3dvision 120hz which is the issue.

Changing the settings from ncp does'nt fix the issue.

Can't test with 3dvision player as it's choppy as hell and does'nt work  for me like lav and ffdshow do for stereoscopic player.

Re: 3D support

it's the conversion to 3dvision 120hz which is the issue

sorry, i don't have neither NV card nor 120 Hz screen
if someone could help - that's MAG79  smile

Re: 3D support

Where can I get "Transformers dark of the moon intro" to test it on my 120Hz monitor?

Re: 3D support

Hi Mag,
You can get it from an sbs or o/u rip of the 3d bluray, test starts at  the start and finishes as the spaceship crashes on the moon, it's around 3 minutes of panning and difficult scenes.
Best 3dtv i've seen, beats svp aswell was a Panasonic dt50, this played perfect 3d blurays with full interpolation, not many tv's even have frame interpolation active in 3d and when they do it's usually only for sbs type material, 3d crosstalk was awfull on it though.

Now to the issue i had smile

Spent awhile messing with this and that and have found the issue and fixed it smile

Svp manager has the option for 24->60 ( 2.5x ) in it's Target frame rate options, this has now locked my fps to 60 instead of 120 like it was with the  To screen refresh rate i had it set to earlier which was giving low svp issues and audio out of sync when svp worked.
I must of been losing 60fps worth of audio??

I'm just about to watch something so will have a better idea if everything is cool under the hood in abit.

Thanks for the help everybody, it was gladly recieved.

Re: 3D support

now locked my fps to 60 instead of 120
Oh! Of course!
You are right.

You are watching side-by-side video that has doubled framerate at output because of frames interleaving for left and right eyes.
Just for that purpose SVP have option to monitor refresh rate/2. It is enough to such 3D video.
In you case now 60 fps after SVP gets 120 fps at you TV. And you get (almost*) maximum smoothness for your material.

Sorry. I forget to tell it before.

*almost because if you gets 120 fps after SVP stereo-player drop every odd frame for one eye and every even frame for other eye. In this case you can see not 60 but 120 motion phases of moving object. One individual position shows only to one eye. When picture showed to another eye the object on screen has next position.
When using 60 fps after SVP you will see one position of object for both eyes. It is a little less smooth than 120 fps.

Re: 3D support

I've ripped the intro, it's 370mb ish, if you'd like me to upload it somewhere i can, i have 1700kbs upload so  it will only take a few minutes.

It's the best test ever, especially for svp, trying o get it play with a skip here and there is very hard.

Re: 3D support

if you'd like me to upload it somewhere i can
It will be perfect.
Try or any other sharing server.

40 (edited by mocca 27-10-2012 08:59:25)

Re: 3D support

Mediafire needs a paid account to be able todo 370 odd mb.
i could rar and split it into 2?

Re: 3D support

You can try google drive. It is 5 GB free.

Re: 3D support

Ok, i'll get it up in a hour or so wink

Re: 3D support … HZWUkE5eWM

Uploaded it to google drive wink.

Re: 3D support

I did it!
I can watch this intro without drops with fne smoothness. I do it in MPC-HC. Because I have not 3D glasses.
To avoid drops I had to change Haali splitter to LAV splitter.

I test it with movements of orange line in tearing test (Ctrl-Win-T). I can get 120 Hz with perfect smoothness.

Now I can use LAV CUDA CUVID hardware decoder.
There are 3 renderers are drops free for me:
1. EVR Custom
2. EVR Sync
3. madVR

Additional Info:

Last processed file parameters:
Filename: Transformers intro.mkv
Frame size and frame rate: 1920x800 pixels, 23.976 fps
After resize: 1680x700 pixels

Detected screen parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1680x1050 pixels, 119.995 Hz

Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 5:1
Resulting video frame rate: 119.88 fps
Repeat 1 frame every 8.7 sec (without ReClock)

Selected profile: 1920x800@24

Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_3]        Frames interpolation mode: Adaptive (default)
[ExAlgo=23]            SVP shader: 23. Complicated
[Bicubic=1]            Motion vectors interpolation mode: Bicubic (by default)
[ExMulti=MON]            Target frame rate: To screen refresh rate (default)
[ExBlockSize=16x16:2]        Motion vectors grid: 12 px. Average 2 (default)
[ExRecalc=0:0]            Decrease grid step: Disabled (default)
[TypeDist=Exh:-10:SATD]        Search radius: Average (default)
[ExPel=2]            Motion vectors precision: Half pixel (default)
[Badsad=2000:-24]        Wide search: Strongest
[ExSadml=0]            Artifacts masking: Disabled (default)
[ExBlend=false]            Processing of scene changes: Repeat frame (default)
[ExDwnResize=MON]        Decrease frame size: To screen size
[ExConvertFps=false]        Blend frames to screen refresh rate:false

Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=1]        GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): true
[ExThreads=0]            Processing threads: Auto
[HandCrop=None]            Frame crop: Disabled
[Borderlight=None]        Black bars lighting: Disabled
[VDelay=0]            Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0]            Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0]        Tearing test: false
[EFrameDoubling=0]        Variable frame rate repair: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=1]    Turn off on seek: Turn off by 1 sec
Post's attachments

filters.png, 224 kb, 569 x 520
filters.png 224 kb, 683 downloads since 2012-10-27 

Re: 3D support

This intro used to drive me mad when i had a 3dtv with no interpolation in 3d, i could never get the odd frame drop to stop, well i did but it involved removing my sli card from my system.

Just tried using lav splitter in nvidia player and stereoscopic but still had teh odd frame drop/stutter, it's usually 99% of the time dropping in teh the same part of the intro, i know its never the source material as the tv plays it fine in 3d.

Re: 3D support

Just found a nice bonus.

A interleaved/checkerboard 3d image does'nt work with all the passive 3dtv's i've had if fi has been enabled from the tv, it creates massive ghosting and massive artifacts on moving images so i've allways had to use sbs o/u,fp.

Just tested it out using  3dvision interleaved + svp +mkv, as svp is allready doing the fi the tv displays it perfectly with it's native 3d wich is the interleaved fpr 3d layer.

Nice bonus right there.

Re: 3D support

Chainik wrote:

yeah, we'll make this thing working

I am so happy you are going to make it possible to play real Blu-Ray 3D files! smile (SSIF) I have been spending a few hours now trying to get it to work, following your tutorial setting up the decoders, but it always just froze. Now I realise it oly supports 3D video in the same frame so that was the reason it didn't work. But yes, very excited to see support for 3D files in the future, thank you!  big_smile (Do you have any idea of how long it will take? Just wondering, this year? Next?)

Re: 3D support

Next version of SVP will have 3D support. It will be soon. wink

Re: 3D support

Bluray 3d files, is  that a 3d bluray/iso or mkv files that svp will have support for?

Re: 3D support

mocca wrote:

Bluray 3d files, is  that a 3d bluray/iso or mkv files that svp will have support for?

Would like to know this too. If it will be full blu-ray (BDMV structure folder) support this would be freakin awesome!! However, there are only a few (commercial) player that support 3D Blu-Ray BDMV structure playback and I m wondering now if they support SVP? The players I m referring to are Total Media Theater from Arcsoft and PowerDVD from Cyberlink.