2,301 (edited by flowreen91 Yesterday 00:40:10)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Drakko01 wrote:

maybe I doing something wrong

Most common issue i saw it has is that it does not detect the app's correct FPS
So if u play a 24 fps video with 2x, it should say 24/48 if it detects correctly how many frames that app is running with.
If it says 144/288 means it detects your monitor hz instead. xD
Ways to fix it is to install it directly from steam, close some overlay apps that might interfere with it, or set this in Nvidia Control Panel: https://gyazo.com/63bf77412bcc01e6dcb246143514105d
Or disable the extra monitors if u're multi monitors setup.

2,302 (edited by RickyAstle98 Yesterday 06:06:34)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Drakko01 wrote:

Any combination I try with LSFG +Rife its not given me better viewing experiences  that Rife x3 or x4 on my tv, maybe I doing something wrong or some setting/program or parameter in my config its interfering.

Looks like LSFG doesnt capture your frames properly, enable Draw FPS and you will see (captured frames / displayed frames) for example!

If you see 120/120 means LSFG detects your monitor refresh rate instead!

Close overlays like Steam, Discord, NVIDIA, everything!

Open video through mpv and press F (to go fullscreen) then Ctrl+Alt+S hotkey!

The behavior might look like > 48 / 120 (RIFE x2 for example)

Post's attachments

LSFG.png, 47.63 kb, 930 x 850
LSFG.png 47.63 kb, 5 downloads since 2025-03-12 

2,303 (edited by RickyAstle98 Yesterday 06:13:41)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

narkohol wrote:
Drakko01 wrote:
RickyAstle98 wrote:

[I tested RIFE x2 + LSFG 180FPS target (LSFG was updated and can generate frames without exact multipliers with consistent framepacing)!

LSFG from RIFE frames 48>180 looks almost the same as RIFE 24x7 and uses 6 times less resources!

Yeah I know, but i dont wanna pay for lsfg

LosslessScaling is the best $10 spent ever.

LS is the best $3 spent ever!

2,304 (edited by testowe07 Yesterday 18:50:59)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Hi, does SVP team plan to support AMD MiGraphX acceleration in RIFE AI?

2,305 (edited by Drakko01 Yesterday 20:37:20)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Thanks RickyAstle98/flowreen91  for your recommendations. Its none of that, the app capture fine the frames , enable Draw FPS its the first I do at the start of testing and its ok.

Close overlays like Steam, Discord, NVIDIA,  I never test something with overlays open!

I don't use Mpv, don't liked

The source problem, as I mentioned its hardware related, I think the tv accept better via Gsync compatible and VRR the 72fps or 96 fps of rife x3 and x4, the settings of the picture giving by RickyAstle98 give similar result but still  I prefer  Rife x3 /x4

I'm using windows 11 24h2 , mpcvr testing version, not the vapoursynth of svp, many variables to tweak and try

But again thanks both, I really enjoy testing others option to improve my viewing experience, and some many time through time rewatching movies or clip  I remember how we started and how far we've come today.

Many time thanks to this thread

2,306 (edited by RickyAstle98 Today 09:16:23)

Re: New RIFE filter - 3x faster AI interpolation possible in SVP!!!

Drakko01 wrote:

Thanks RickyAstle98/flowreen91  for your recommendations. Its none of that, the app capture fine the frames , enable Draw FPS its the first I do at the start of testing and its ok.

Close overlays like Steam, Discord, NVIDIA,  I never test something with overlays open!

I don't use Mpv, don't liked

The source problem, as I mentioned its hardware related, I think the tv accept better via Gsync compatible and VRR the 72fps or 96 fps of rife x3 and x4, the settings of the picture giving by RickyAstle98 give similar result but still  I prefer  Rife x3 /x4

I'm using windows 11 24h2 , mpcvr testing version, not the vapoursynth of svp, many variables to tweak and try

But again thanks both, I really enjoy testing others option to improve my viewing experience, and some many time through time rewatching movies or clip  I remember how we started and how far we've come today.

Many time thanks to this thread

Well, you prefer less compatible video player, my 180Hz GSync monitor works great, no matter what multipliers, targets being set!
I dont recomend RIFE x2.5 (24>60) then LSFG x2 because you will see scene transitions more often, since one half the frame being reprojected twice!

About TV VRR window, man thats just TV without LFC/SFD algorithms, which means LSFG will capture frames with JIT delays!
Anyway thanks for your testing, prefer RIFE x3 too, dont see any obvious for GPU cook, since LSFG paired w/RIFE frames allows super high refresh rate conversions with tiny amount of difference!

Abount tiny amount of difference, ofcourse LSFG is bad from 24FPS conversion, but from RIFEd 48/72 - works/looks 4 times better!