1 (edited by Fortune424 05-04-2023 04:39:07)

Topic: How to install RIFE-V2?

I have been using the included RIFE 4.6 on my 3090 using the Tensor-RT engine with performance boost enabled.

It works great at 1080P and below, but is too slow at 4K.

I have heard that RIFE-V2 is fast enough to work at 4K on a 3090.

How do you install it?

I see this:

https://github.com/styler00dollar/Vapou … ter/models

But the content of those model folders there don't appear to match what is currently in my \SVP 4\rife\models folder. If I put them in there and switch to the non-TensorRT engine, they show up in the list of models but MPC crashes when I try to open a video.

Any help? I tried searching through the last few pages of the big RIFE thread but didn't see anything.


EDIT: Secondary question - in that Github repository there are also RIFE V3, V4, etc. Why is V2 all that anyone talks about?

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 114#p82114

3 (edited by lurker 04-08-2024 20:04:44)

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

I did everything according to the instructions (copied the folder and replaced the script). The model appears in the selection list in SVP, but selecting it does not increase FPS and when you start the video, the applied profile is not written. If you choose the old model, then everything works. What did I do wrong?

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

v1 models work correct

C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\cache\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2
Have only .lock files
Every time you start video, the process of creating a cache starts, but other files (except lock) do not appear.

5 (edited by flowreen91 04-08-2024 21:59:41)

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

lurker wrote:

(copied the folder and replaced the script)

Uuuh i think the script from that link is outdated.
Use the script from here for TensorRT9 instead:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … SzUp1SAzbx
Press ` in mpv to see if any error text appears.

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

It`s not help

7 (edited by flowreen91 05-08-2024 00:03:08)

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

Only difference i see compared to my logs is that your TensorRT enables:
[08/05/2024-01:30:54] Preview Features: kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 [ON],
and then crashes:
[08/05/2024-01:31:01] [W] [TRT] Using kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature.
[08/05/2024-01:32:17] [E] Error[2]: [deconvolutionV2Builder.cpp::nvinfer1::builder::CaskDeconvolutionBuilderBase<class nvinfer1::builder::CaskDeconvolutionV2Builder,class nvinfer1::rt::task::CaskDeconvolutionV2Runner,-2147483603>::createDeconvolution::759] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion isOpConsistent(deconvolution.get()) failed. Cask deconvolution isConsistent check failed.)
[08/05/2024-01:32:18] [E] Error[2]: [builder.cpp::nvinfer1::builder::Builder::buildSerializedNetwork::751] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion engine != nullptr failed. )

this page mentions that it was removed eventually:
https://github.com/NVIDIA/trt-samples-f … /issues/65

I would suggest to try and update your TensorRT from 8.5.1 to 9.1.0 using these instructions:
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 674#p83674
No clue if this will fix anything.
Maybe SVP devs have encountered that error before...

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

I don't know what i do, but now v2 work for me.
I don't update TensorRT.

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

just use the default script installed by SVP

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

default script don't work

Re: How to install RIFE-V2?

The instructions are not complete, you still need to update TensorRT, otherwise it will cause jitter on some scenes. I installed v14test3
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 735#p83735