Topic: SVP not working with MPV or SMplayer
I just downloaded SVP on a new laptop I bought and there are several issues I can't seem to fix.
(1) I can get the RIFE engine to work with MPV if I open a video WITHIN the SVP control panel. However, if I open a video from within MPV itself, it doesn't work.
(2) My go-to media player is SMplayer which uses the MPV "engine" to play videos. Again, opening a video within SM player doesn't work.
Mind you, I have two other laptops with SVP installed and everything in (1) and (2) above works on those two laptops, so I'm perplexed.
Also, (3) Only the Automatic (60 fps) profile works on MPC-HC, there's a message that comes up that says if you want to run RIFE you need to install Vapoursynth. Is that what my problem is here for all of these issues. I'm hesitant to install vaporsynth because it blocked my usage of some Python related apps, such as Jupyter notebooks, etc., on my other two laptops in the past.
That said, I'm really confused as to why this is a problem on my new laptop and not on the other two..