Topic: Some question from a noob :>
Hello everyone first of all. I really hate low fps on videos like everyone who's here i suppose and i wish to make some questions before i start to config everythings.
My Settings is:
Windows 7 x64bit
i7 950 3.07 Ghz
my Gpu is Evga Geforce GTX 480
12GB Ram Corsair 1600 Mhz
Monitor W2363D 120Hz
1- Are all the files in the Packet SVP 3.0.6 ok for my win7 x 64 or should i download anything different?
2- And most important question, i download all of this to see Blu-Ray Disc (not file/rip) is it possible or i'm loosing time?
3- I saw around alot of ppls whining about an error still while trying to read DVD-Disc like "DVD": Error Macrovision wtf!?
Your Help would be greatly appreciated i really hate the quality of video today and expecially if we'r talking about Blu-Ray discs
Hope in ur help soon.