Topic: Deinterlacing with SVP

Hi guys,

I tried the deinterlace option in SVP tray today with some interlaced content, and enabling it enables deinterlacing in ffdshow. Thats fine but I have two questions / issues.

1) When using ffdshows yadif deinterlacer with double frame rate, 30fps interlaced content for example comes out to 60 progressive as it should, but svp / avisynth scripts still think its 30fps and start doing double frame rate on it again bringing me to 120fps. Therefore each second crame is getting dropped by the video renderer.

Has spv a workaround for this? I wrote a bug report on ffdshow what seems like years ago now but nobody seems interested I guess, to fix this particular issue. Just wondering is there a tweak in svp options that can avoid this second frame rate increase?

2) Have you guys ever thought of incorporating existing avisynth based deinterlacing techniques, into SVP. This would be great. I for example often try to playback 25fps interlaced DVDs, (that need to be both deinterlaced, aswell as slowed down to their correct 24fps / 48fps rate). So I do the following

25fps interlaced decoded frames -> deinterlaced to 50fps in lav video -> speed up to 52.08 fps using svp -> reclock slow down by 4% = 50fps out

I never see very smooth motion in these clips, I assume due to the tiny frame rate increase of 50.00 to 52.08 fps in svp, but maybe this could be improved with all of the deinterlacing and frame interpolation happening in one smart stage?

Would be great if some distant SVP version could do all of this work in one step smile

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

All types of software deinterlacers sucks  big_smile
MAG79 could tell how to use true hardware deinterlace on NV cards with SVP. The short answer is "LAV CUVID" wink

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

1) If You using ffdShow-deinterlace then because of many variants of deinterlacers you can get source framerate or double framerate. Next step You need to point right framerate change option in profile setting window: To screen refresh rate or To screen refresh rate / 2.

2) No. SVP is not needed in internal deinterlacer.

deinterlaced to 50fps in lav video -> speed up to 52.08 fps using svp
I don't understand why you do that?
Are You an enemy of your picture quality? hmm

Listen to Chainik wink
He is right. The best deintarlace is hardware deinterlace. I use LAV CUVID with Adaptive hardware deinterlacing algorynthm.

Did you try to watch you deinterlaced video at 50 Hz monitor mode without SVP?

Post's attachments

LAV_CUVID_HWDeiint.png, 19.73 kb, 639 x 484
LAV_CUVID_HWDeiint.png 19.73 kb, 812 downloads since 2012-03-09 

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

Thanks guys, yeah I use lav video / hardware deinterlacer usually but still of course it would be fantastic if it was all part of the same smooth video product. Itd be a monster of a task to implement in software though, ie to have it run in the same flow as normal interpolation. Back to gpu hardware deinterlacing it is. Should going from 50 -> 52.08 fps cause microjudder in the output video, as this is what svp seems to do at the moment, is there a way to improve the interpolation in this scenario doing such a small adjustment in fps.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

50 -> 52.08 fps
1) Where you got this strange method? hmm
2) What real fps has that DVD?
3) Is there telecine used?

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

I use 50hz on my Samsung HDTV, as other rates don't behave very well and don't display as accurate colors as 50hz. So my aim is to have all my content run at 50hz.

So for example, many of the Star Trek TNG Pal DVDs are

1) 25 Interlaced, so need to be deinterlaced (deinterlaced to 50p using LAV Video hardware deinterlacing)
2) Need to be slowed down by 4% by ReClock so they play at the correct rate (achieved with ffdshow), which would slow 50fps down to 48fps.

So to both deinterlace, and slowdown by 4%, aswell as achieve 50fps output I must add an intermediate step between deinterlacing, and reclock slowing the rate down, that is

1b) Use SVP to speed up the 50fps deinterlaced content, to 52.08fps, which when slowed down by reclock by 4% gives exactly 50.00000 fps.

So I don't see any frame drops at all, BUT the rate change from 50 to 52.08 seems to add a judder of some sort, I assume due to the fact that the two rates are so close together.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

What you have against PAL Speedup?
Who told you about need in slow down? It is not necessary. It is harm to picture quality on your 50 Hz display.

8 (edited by mark007 10-03-2012 15:23:15)

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

I have just gotten so used to playing 25fps material at 24 fps (increased then to 50 by svp) that it's very noticeable to me when not doing the pal speed down ie the voices are noticibly too high pitched and movement is too fast. smile

Svp output after changing from 24 to 50 is so good that I think this process gives me a better playback experience as at least it sounds correct and is playing back at the correct rate.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

the voices are noticibly too high pitched and movement is too fast
You can see this only at film-content with 24 fps progressive source. You don't need to deinterlace it.

(the subj of topic)

What deinterlace you are talking about?
Can you give me a small video-sample with your "interlaced" 25 fps with PAL Speedup video?

I think you are confusing PAL speedup, interlace and telecine. These are the three different methods of mixing frames in 25 fps video.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

Hi Mag, thanks for you're post. Perhaps I am mixed up smile I have made a 1 minute sample of one of these files for you to see.

When using LAV Video adaptive deinterlacing setting, it comes out at 50fps progressive and looks great BUT compared to the NTSC version of the same DVD for example, it does play faster, and is higher pitched.

Are you saying pal speed down shouldn't be needed here? I think it is still needed and therefore still think I need to use svp to change the rate to 52.08~fps before reclock slows it down.

How do you suggest I play back this file and achieve my goal of playing at 50hz and slowed down or would you play differently?

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

Thank you. I just watched at your sample. It is progressive video without interlace wink It is 2:2 pulldown (telecine) with wrong field shift. You can look at the video frame-by-frame. In 50 frames each second is double. I recommend to use for this video such settings of LAV:

Then you will get original frames without doubles.

Post's attachments

LAV_2-2pulldown_to_progressive.png, 20.59 kb, 644 x 510
LAV_2-2pulldown_to_progressive.png 20.59 kb, 755 downloads since 2012-03-11 

12 (edited by mark007 11-03-2012 15:11:36)

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

Wow thanks very much Mag!!! Out of interest how did you check that content of the sample. I might try to fix these sources so that I dont need specific settings for them.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

how did you check
1. Switch on deinterlacing 50p
2. Look to video frame-by-frame:
- <Ctrl-right> in MPC-HC at pause
- <F> in PotPlayer at pause

14 (edited by mark007 11-03-2012 17:50:34)

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP


EDIT: What would you suggest I could use to fix this material? I assume its some telicine flag thats not set correctly? Should the LAV decoder do the IVTC based on this flag, even if deinterlacing is set to off?

Of course I'd love to fix the material so that I don't need any manual settings changes per content, ie switching from 50p to 25p in LAVs settings etc.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

I assume its some telicine flag thats not set correctly?
No. No flags. It is wrong frames composed from fields. It is fault of video coders. You can compose fields with right order but quality of this video is already worse because of wrong field composing before compressing. Video file contain compressing errors now.

To fix filed shift of 2:2 pulldown in Avisynth to get progressive frames:


If script give wrong result then swap "T" and "B".

Best way is to delete all such video with wrong 2:2 pulldown and to download it again from another source with right progressive video. wink
You need not PAL, you need true 24 (23.976) fps version.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

Thats great, thanks Mag. They were ripped from the original dvds. I might have to invest in the blu-ray versions of these DVDs smile Thanks again.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

They were ripped from the original dvds
I think man who did this rip knows nothing about telecine. wink He done bad rip. hmm
And I think these are not original (official) DVDs of Star Trek. wink Such DVDs with PAL Speedup are bad too. sad

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

I own these PAL DVDs myself. I ripped using makemkv keeping original mpeg2 stream so the mpeg2 must have been encoded wrong on the source DVDs I guess, as I don't think makemkv does anything to the original stream. Each episode comes to about 1.5gb mkv.

Re: Deinterlacing with SVP

If you so demanding to video quality and to video speed with high pitched audio then you need to get 24p DVDs. If you can't get it then you need to know how to translate video to film (50i PAL DVDs to 24p mkv) with reconstructing of progressive frames. It have been posted earlier.