1 (edited by mark007 14-03-2012 19:45:58)

Topic: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

Hi guys,

I have been having fun trying out SVP 3.1, thanks very much. In the past I used to use custom interframe scripts. I'm using SVPs own interface now and its own settings and have one major problem.

My screen is running at 50.002hz. When I choose "Target frame rate" -> "To screen refresh rate", the frame rate doesn't change at all. (checking using both fraps and reclock)

I can choose things like "Source multiplied by 3 (3x)" and I can see in reclock and fraps, the rate change to 71.928fps, but changing then to anything relating "To screen refresh...", the output rate then doesn't change.

The SVP gui flashes up "21:10 50.35" on the video player image, but the actual resulting frame rate doesn't change.

I have tried using "screen selection " -> "force" and manually entering my screens refresh rate in there as 50.002, but this doesn't seem to get used... In essence, SVP seems to almost get my frame rate exact, when printed to the player output (ie 50.35) but doesn't actually make this change to the resulting output.

Any ideas what I can check? I'm using Windows 8 CP, Nvidia GTX 295.

EDIT: I notice changing UseReClockToFixFPS=0 then the SVP gui shows its using my hard coded value of 50.002fps and reclock indicates the same, so I guess reclock may be at fault, giving bad refresh rate information to SVP, ie 50.35, which SVP doesn't actually seem to use.


I guess seperate to this, the only issue I'm seeing that I didn't get with SVP 3.0.7 is the following error from time to time. eg just now I selected a different target frame rate and got the following error in the log, and the player closed.

19:32:16.807; T1T: SVPMgr main. Duration: 27 ms
19:32:16.834; T1T: Playback
23.976 * (12 : 5) = 57.542 fps
19:32:16.835; SetPriorityPlayer: 2. Duration: 385 ms
19:32:17.220; Error: Error preparing smooth playback! Script error:
SVSmoothFps: unable to init FlowLib [code 0x3FFFB]
(C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\AVS\ffdshow.avs, line 18)
(ffdshow_filter_avisynth_script, line 4)
. Duration: 9747 ms

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

the only issue I'm seeing that I didn't get with SVP 3.0.7 is the following error from time to time

it's a known bug with some (?) NV cards on some (?) driver versions
i'm sure it'll be fixed soon

can't tell anything on the first part of your question, it's better to wait for MAG79

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

When I choose "Target frame rate" -> "To screen refresh rate", the frame rate doesn't change at all
Give me more details please. SVP menu > Information > Additional information

The SVP gui flashes up "21:10 50.35" on the video player image, but the actual resulting frame rate doesn't change
Where do you get "actual resulting frame rate"? May be it is not so actual?

I'm using Windows 8 CP, Nvidia GTX 295
Windows 8? Wow. We do not provide compatibility of SVP to this version of Windows smile
No garantee it is not a bug of Win8 system... hmm

If you give me sample of your video file then I can reproduce your problem on my GTX 260 and Win7 64.

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

Where do you get "actual resulting frame rate"?

checking using both fraps and reclock

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate


I need from mark007:
1. Additional information
2. sample of video

6 (edited by mark007 16-03-2012 18:17:05)

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

Hi, thanks for the replies. Maybe its how I have reclock setup thats causing the problem?

So its not tied to any type of video, its common to all. This is playing back a blu-ray, on 50hz screen with UseReClockToFixFPS=1. Screenshot shows reclock is still only receiving the original frame rate. SVP printout on image shows detected rate of 50.35. madVR and Reclock show it to be more like 50.00 so I don't know where 50.35 comes from. SVP doesn't seem to actually use 50.35 anyways, it keeps original frame rate.


With UseReClockToFixFPS=0 everything works perfectly again, 50.00fps output from SVP.

Here is output from additional information. Perhaps SVP assumes reclock is being used to change frame rate? In my case I only use it to get WASAPI out, nothing else.

Last processed file parameters:
Filename: 00802.mpls
Frame size and frame rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 23.976 fps

Detected screen parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 50.001 Hz

Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 21:10
Resulting video frame rate: 50.35 fps
Drop 1 frame every 2.9 sec (without ReClock)

Selected profile: 1920x1080@24

Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_0]        Frames interpolation mode: Uniform (max smoothenss)
[ExAlgo=13]            SVP shader: 13. Standart (default)
[ExMulti=MON]            Target frame rate: To screen refresh rate (default)
[ExBlockSize=16x16:2]        Motion vectors grid: 12 px. Average 2 (default)
[ExRecalc=0:0]            Decrease grid step: Disabled (default)
[TypeDist=Exh:-10:SATD]        Search radius: Average (default)
[ExPel=2]            Motion vectors precision: Half pixel (default)
[Badsad=1000:-24]        Wide search: Average (default)
[ExSadml=0]            Artifacts masking: Disabled (default)
[ExBlend=false]            Processing of scene changes: Repeat frame (default)
[ExDwnResize=MON]        Decrease frame size: To screen size
[ExConvertFps=false]        Blend frames to screen refresh rate:false

Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=1]        GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): true
[ExThreads=0]            Processing threads: Auto
[HandCrop=None]            Frame crop: Disabled
[Borderlight=None]        Black bars lighting: Disabled
[VDelay=0]            Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0]            Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0]        Tearing test: false
[EFrameDoubling=0]        Variable frame rate repair: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=1]    Turn off on seek: Turn off by 1 sec

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

I see. I reproduced your settings: 23,976 FullHD source, 50 Hz display, 6ch 24 bit Audio WASAPI.
I'd like to watch the movie this way: take a look and compare your ReClock properties and mine.

http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=1359 http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=1360

I can get it with some customized ReClock settings:

http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=1361 http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=1362

When I tuned up these settings I got real framerate indication in ReClock and 2:1 coefficient of framerate change in SVP.


You can try to repeat this settings or customize them as you want.

Good luck wink

Post's attachments

Avatar_doubleFps_ReClock_to_50Hz.jpg, 34.92 kb, 552 x 406
Avatar_doubleFps_ReClock_to_50Hz.jpg 34.92 kb, 654 downloads since 2012-03-16 

ReClock_config1.png, 13.82 kb, 492 x 539
ReClock_config1.png 13.82 kb, 712 downloads since 2012-03-16 

ReClock_config2.png, 16.42 kb, 492 x 539
ReClock_config2.png 16.42 kb, 694 downloads since 2012-03-16 

ReClock_props_MAG79.png, 18.61 kb, 483 x 470
ReClock_props_MAG79.png 18.61 kb, 723 downloads since 2012-03-16 

ReClock_props_mark007.png, 51.31 kb, 461 x 476
ReClock_props_mark007.png 51.31 kb, 717 downloads since 2012-03-16 

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

Double source frame rate gives to you maximum quality with minimum amount of artifacts.
In this case you will get 1.04x speed up by ReClock, that you can see at Performane graphs window of SVP.


Post's attachments

Performance_graphs_1.04x_SpeedUp.png, 12.4 kb, 520 x 332
Performance_graphs_1.04x_SpeedUp.png 12.4 kb, 708 downloads since 2012-03-16 

9 (edited by mark007 17-03-2012 16:04:00)

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

Thanks Mag, thanks for your explanation. I guess theres lots of people like me who don't want any speed up / slow down of audio / video so will have reclock settings like mine, ie just using reclock perhaps for wasapi output.

Do you think SVP can read the users reclock settings in a future version so that it doesn't have to assume any specific reclock settings like your ones for example? Or perhaps make UseReClockToFixFPS somehow configurable for users in the gui? For the moment I'm happy to have found the workaround


Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

PAL speed up (1.04x) is quite normal to me. I can't see (or hear) the difference with 1.00x.
But for SVP interpolation quality multiple framerate is the main thing.

lots of people like me who don't want any speed up / slow down of audio / video
I don't know such people.

Lets vote. Everybody.
Do you see (or hear) the difference between 1.04x and 1.00x speed?

11 (edited by mark007 17-03-2012 16:28:12)

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

Its the whole point of reclocks pal speed down :S I doubt it was created for nobody. Doesn't matter to me anyways, just saying its not just me that wants the original rate of playback. Because you don't doesn't mean it should be a default setting.... ie assume your needs are what everyone wants.

As I say it doesn't matter to me, I'm just trying to help.

EDIT: Check the first line, in the reclock main forum post and the hundreds / thousands? of posts in their forums thanking reclock for pal speed down so I don't know how you don't know even 1 other person that wants the correct rate.........  roll

Anyone else care about playing back at the same rate, or anyone here not notice the 4% speed up, I certainly do  neutral

Re: SVP 3.1 Target Frame Rate

Main aim of ReClock using is framerate syncronization to refresh rate.

I done my job - I informed you. Now you have choice to do PAL SpeedDown or to get best smoothness. wink
You can do PAL SpeedDown if you want. I posted my opinion about best smoothness.