1 (edited by Jimmy03 19-03-2012 15:27:51)

Topic: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

Greetings SVP Team!!!

Your job is truly remarkable and worth a thousand words!!!Thanks a lot big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

Now, when I've install the new version 3.1 it was out of the box with best default settings according to users hardware and gives you an awesome smoothness.

The problem is that i always see ,no matter which setting i use, stuttering in all my videos, that i didn't see with previous version 3.06.

Also, i have had neutralized the artifacts combine with the best smoothness i can have ( i will post a picture of my setup) but with the new version and with less settings i can't achieve the same (artifact masking with no stuttering).

So, at the moment i can do my job with the old version but i hope to be able to use the new one...

For the record my pc settings are: OS win7 32, AMD Phenom X6 1055T with Nvidia GT430

Could you please advise in both cases?

Thanks in advance,

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

Nobody in this forum?

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

We was hardly busy on new version... Please be patient. wink
Then you will get qualified answer.

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering


nonqualified answer wink

for begin please place here avs-script and additional info
What kind of render did ypu use? Player?
did you try ReClock?

5 (edited by Jimmy03 20-03-2012 10:30:19)

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

The latest Madvr + Lavideo + mpc-hc, no Reclock ever used.

The weird on this is that i have no problem with 3.06 version instead of the new one.

These are my current settings (3.06) with no stutter. Is it possible to achive equal settings with 3.1.1?

Thanks in advance,

Post's attachments

SVP.JPG, 40.98 kb, 720 x 499
SVP.JPG 40.98 kb, 634 downloads since 2012-03-20 

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

The problem is that i always see ,no matter which setting i use, stuttering in all my videos
Stuttering of audio?

that i didn't see with previous version 3.06
If you say "see" then you tell about video?
If yes then look please at tearing test line (ctlr-alt-T). Does it moved with stuttering?

Equal settings:


Post's attachments

SVP_3.1.1_profile_settings.PNG, 27.17 kb, 422 x 494
SVP_3.1.1_profile_settings.PNG 27.17 kb, 635 downloads since 2012-03-21 

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

MAG79 thanks for the quick reply!!

Yes, i mean video stuttering and not audio.

I will do the test this afternoon and i will share the results!

Thanks for the "equal settings"

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

Well, unfortunately i couldn't find any similar settings (even those MAG79 suggested me) that can achieve equal results with my previous version, so i will stick to that and i hope one day the SVP team to make available all the previous profile settings!

Once again thank you for the brilliant job!

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

What about stuttering? Is it gone? big_smile

10 (edited by Jimmy03 22-03-2012 15:30:44)

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

Yes the stuttering is better with your settings, but the artifacts are very annoying something i didn't have in 3.06.

For example in the 3rd Transformers from scene 1.52.00 to 1.54 something the artifacts in the buildings looking so crazyyyy with 3.1.1, but with 3.06 are minor, even my wife can't see them wink 

The think i don't understand is that from the moment my hardware system remains the same and the only change is the new version of SVP, the things shouldn't be better?

Is there any possibility to add again the previous profile settings?

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

Did you see this discussion?

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

Yeah i have seen this discussion and helps me a lot!

After 2 hours of searching and reading i have found the best results for me with these settings that are almost identical in performance and smoothness with 3.06:


Now I can watch all my favorites movies without the annoying artifacts!!!

Once again thanks a lot quys!!!

13 (edited by Jimmy03 10-04-2012 08:28:40)

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering


I have found that changing the "Processing of scene changes" to Blend ,the motion is exactly the same as it was with 3.06 and with no stuttering at ALL big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

...and also "Motion vectors precision" to half pixel eliminate wave artifacts.

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

changing the "Processing of scene changes" to Blend ,the motion is exactly the same as it was with 3.06
Yes. You are right.

"Motion vectors precision" to half pixel eliminate wave artifacts
May be you are right too.
I think there are two values that gives less wave artifacts. The first is two pixels precision because of huge block sizes. And the second is half pixel precision due to more accurate vectors search wuth the same block sizes as pixel precision.

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering

I have noticed that 3.1.1 version does not detect scene change correctly. During fast scenes the frames are repeated (thus the stuttering), because SVP thinks that the scene has been changed. Therefore choosing "blend" in "processing of scene" changes seem to help with stuttering.

Re: SVP 3.1 Stuttering


I think it's better to incorrectly detect a scene change sometimes than do not detect the actual change at all.
Though detection in 3.1 is much better than in 3.0.x we'll continue to improve it wink