Topic: Newbie to SVP

I just installed SVP
I dont know how to use this software
i open a clip using MPC 32-bit
it does not show any green triangle and smooth playback
tell me if i need more plug in
help please

Re: Newbie to SVP

Re: Newbie to SVP

I think it's an issue in default settings for .m2ts  hmm
Please show your "filters" list. It should looks like this:

Most important part is "ffdshow raw video decoder".

Post's attachments

filters.png, 12.16 kb, 566 x 228
filters.png 12.16 kb, 1121 downloads since 2012-03-26 

Re: Newbie to SVP

again for .mp4 i got this

5 (edited by nashroodin 06-04-2012 21:24:26)

Re: Newbie to SVP

here u r

Post's attachments

Untitled.jpg 135.66 kb, 283 downloads since 2012-04-06 

Re: Newbie to SVP

my pc specs
Core 2 Quad Q8400
GT 520 2 GB GDDR3
Hitachi 320 GB
PSU 450W
Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus

7 (edited by heyer 06-04-2012 21:47:08)

Re: Newbie to SVP

Go to "Options" in MPC-HC, does it look like this?

Post's attachments

liekthis.png, 52.24 kb, 662 x 502
liekthis.png 52.24 kb, 1283 downloads since 2012-04-06 

Re: Newbie to SVP

Thank u guys
really helped
but some times index is 0.49 or 0.85x svp

Post's attachments

Untitled 1.jpg 168.48 kb, 328 downloads since 2012-04-07 

Untitled.jpg 150.18 kb, 271 downloads since 2012-04-07 

Re: Newbie to SVP

Turn off bicubic interpolation, gt520 is too slow for it.

Re: Newbie to SVP

How to do that ...:)

11 (edited by heyer 07-04-2012 16:46:08)

Re: Newbie to SVP

Change this option:

Post's attachments

liekthist.png, 50.83 kb, 448 x 501
liekthist.png 50.83 kb, 1221 downloads since 2012-04-07