Topic: saving interpolated video


Please let me know how can i save interpolated video after conversion from 24 to 60 fps using SVP or MP-HC ?

e.g Here is my case:

I play my 24 fps video in media player - HC , as it is already synchronized with SVP. So SVP convert my 24fps video to 60 fps (interpolated) video (depending on the setting that i select in SVP mananger) automatically.  I was wondering how can i save that interpolated video(60fps) in a seperate video file ? 


Re: saving interpolated video

Update: there's a SVPcode extension for this task: more info here

Legacy way:

Re: saving interpolated video

It can also be done by simply creating an AVS-script from SVP-manager. While the video you want to interpolate frames for is playing, click this option in SVP and save the script. The script can then be opened by popular video editors, for example virtualdub. However, virtualdub only outputs as .AVI, so if you're new into this stuff, just follow Chainik's tutorial.

Post's attachments

svpsave.png, 102.44 kb, 418 x 510
svpsave.png 102.44 kb, 806 downloads since 2012-04-19 

Re: saving interpolated video

thanks Chainik and Heyer,

It seems that the tutorial mentioned by Chainik does not use SVP or is it ?

As you know SVP allow us to select many different settings (e.g frame interpolation, motion vector interpolation etc) and i guess for different settings in SVP we get different Avisynt scripts ?  so second option would be fine.

BUT what about the result , the quality of interpolated video. Are there any difference in the results if i use the software mentioned in Chainik's tutorial ?

Re: saving interpolated video

I believe the one Chanik linked is what SVP was originally based on. If you want the best quality, use the method I mentioned. You can just crank your settings to the max. Since it doesn't have to interpolate in realtime, you can turn on "complicated" shader and stuff like "decrease grid step" aswell. However, you will have to recompress the video yourself with virtualdub or x264 afterwards, since virtualdub will simply output uncompressed video.

Re: saving interpolated video

Thanks heyer,

>>I believe the one Chanik linked is what SVP was originally based on.
May be some one from SVP team can clarify this too.

One more question:
Regarding interpolation: SVP sofware consider/apply motion compensation for frame interpolation ? correct me if i am wrong just like AAE-twixtor plugin  ? this is what i also checked when i open the video in virtualdub
I guess SVP uses MVTools for motion compensation base interpolation ? and the source code can be downloaded from ?

Re: saving interpolated video

The author of that tutorial is SubJunk and he uses Interframe script which is based on libraries from SVP. Interframe aims for encoding so it can use more heavy settings than SVP itself.

I guess SVP uses MVTools for motion compensation base interpolation ?

MVTools is a base for SVP 3.0.6 and earlier but SVP 3.1 based on our own deep modifications of MVTools -