1 (edited by ddragon 14-04-2012 07:36:45)

Topic: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

I have installed 3.1.1   ..3 times and I keep going back to 3.06 every time. What is the reason?.

my system
AMD Phenom II x4 965
GeForce GXT 550 Ti on a Asus motherboard.     

3.1 playing 1080 P .Flv files uses about 80% CPU SVP showing low performance. trouble getting it to use less CPU and smoothness doesn't look good.     3.06 this problem does not exist.

3.1 tearing on left hand edge of screen. I tried different settings it still was Tearing. Directly went back to 3.06 problem does not exist. Overall smoothing major improvement.

3.1.1 has overdrawn my CPU and given no benefit compared to 3.06. Testing over a couple weeks back and forth

In the development I'm just giving feedback I'm still so impressed with the team putting this together for us. 3.1.1 just does not work efficiently for me and I was wondering if anybody else has this problem or has an answer.

I've tried every different setting and advice from this form and hours of my own settings in 3.1.1 to no avail. 3.06 just wins on my computer.

My computer is extremely groomed I'm a part-time computer tech but not code writer. Operating system window seven ultimate cool

Thank you all for reading and thank you SVP team neutral

D Dragon smile I can breathe fire

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06


Your CPU is to close to "reference system 3" (4 cores Phenom @2.8 GHz) so 80% CPU load at default settings is normal. If you think it's too much just install "level 2" video profiles from start menu shortcut called "reset profiles".
Also 3.1 assumes that you're using hardware video decoder (LAV filter, for example) and I know nothing about HW decoding and .FLV format so it may be some splitter/decoder issues there.

smoothness doesn't look good

Some people think that 3.1.1 has too high threshold for scene change detection. Though I don't agree with them you still can adjust it by yourself by uncommenting "smooth.scene.limits.scene" line in overrride.js file.

3 (edited by ddragon 17-04-2012 09:28:16)

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

Dragon here, I am 4X 3.4 GHz. Truly I don't really understand the program how everything does what it does but I want to say thank you that at least I can do. It's just that 3.06 used a lot less CPU for me. And also I mentioned the tearing on the left-hand side of the screen I played a little bit to get it to go away in 3.1.1 but it remained there. And finally 3.06 it didn't exist it was perfect. As a designer developer you must be trained and understand all this where us users we don't. But we are very grateful.

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

It's just that 3.06 used a lot less CPU for me.

you can't compare them in this way cause the settings and their default values are very different

the tearing on the left-hand side of the screen

i've got no idea what do you mean  hmm "tearing" is a frame break caused by wrong vertical sync
could you make a screenshot of this?

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

Try to use "Frame crop" by four pixels on each side.

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

I want to share my experience, for me SVP 3.1.1 is more faster than 3.0.6 , 3.0,6 can do less artifacts with settings that are for that purpose but cost you some smooth quality, something than with 3.1.1 not happen much, i manage to get almost the same less artifacts when i was using 3.0.6 ( with my custom settings ofc ) but with 1x more smooth quality compared with 3.0.6. In the case of CPU performance, for me 3.1.1 is much better in fact i can use some settings and playback some files that i was not able to do with previous version. For me 3.1.1 is a keep until SVP release something better.

Sorry for bad english.



7 (edited by erik 20-04-2012 09:52:56)

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

Hello Chainik, with the new version of PVS can not find the automatic settings "reference system level 1-2-3 etc. etc." for my CPU. I also reset the control panel but nothing happens. Even with a new installation there 'this setting selection. Where is this setting?

Another question, I have an i5 CPU @ 650 + 4300Ghz lavcuvid, what are the settings that you advise me to have a minimum of artifacts?

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

can not find the automatic settings "reference system level 1-2-3 etc. etc."

it's determined automatically at installation time:

and you can change it from Start menu -> SVP 3.1 -> Reset profiles (run as Administrator)

Post's attachments

profile.png, 5.49 kb, 435 x 98
profile.png 5.49 kb, 1120 downloads since 2012-04-20 

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

Thanks Chainik!
Another question: with movies in 23.9 fps 24fps 25fps 50fps, I always select 60hz on the video card? But when I select 50hz?
Thank you

Re: 3.1.1 Vers 3.06

What do you mean?  hmm
Obviously 50 Hz screen is the best for 25 fps source. Some people believe it's the best for 23.9/24 fps sources too - they use motion interpolation 24*2 = 48 fps + ReClock up to 50 Hz.
I don't like ReClock cause I prefer to bitstream DTS sound to AV-receiver and for me 23.9 * 5/2 = 60 Hz mode is much better than 23.9 * (some_strange_value) = 50 Hz.