Topic: Force GPU to perform interpolation?

Hi guys,

Thank you for making this technology available on common PCs!

I am running on a fairly old processor (E8400). But my video card is relatively new (GTX 560 OC TI).

When playing 720P videos using MPC that came with SVP 3.1.2, I can almost reach the perfect settings without maxing my CPU. (See attachment for my settings).

However, after using GPU-Z to inspect the GPU load of my video card, I realized that it is only working at 25% capacity while my CPU is maxed out at 100%.

I tried the advice here ( and used the LAV decoder with the NVIDIA Cuvid hardware decoder, but I didn't see any difference in the CPU/GPU consumption and the video output.

Oh yeah, GPU Acceleration (OPEN-CL) is ticked in the manager.

So, my question is, would it be possible to off-load some of the processing to my video card because, as we can see, it can still take on more processing? This is in hope of maxing the setting for 720p, and be able to play 1080p videos using SVP.


Here's my SVPMark results:
Test summary
  Date: 2012-07-28T02:31:15
  CPU:  Intel Core2 Duo E8400 @2999 MHz [2 threads]
  GPU:  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti [ver.270.61]
  Mode: HD + GPU [5 threads]

Overall scores
  Synthetic CPU:                  MC447
  Synthetic GPU:                  MG652
  Real-life:                      HG1344

Details: synthetic
  CPU: compose (single-threaded): 381
  CPU: compose (multi-threaded):  715
  CPU: search (single-threaded):  170
  CPU: search (multi-threaded):   326
  GPU: system -> GPU transfer:    623
  GPU: GPU -> system transfer:    566
  GPU: calculations:              976
  GPU: total score:               2912

Details: real-life /HD
  decode video:                   8.52x (204.4 fps)
  48 fps - vectors search:        0.64x (30.9 fps)
  60 fps - frame composition:     1.76x (105.3 fps)
  48 fps - [SVP] fastest:         3.10x (148.7 fps)
  48 fps - [SVP] simple 1:        2.11x (101.4 fps)
  60 fps - [SVP] good:            1.11x (66.5 fps)
  60 fps - [SVP] high:            0.92x (55.1 fps)
  60 fps - [SVP] highest:         0.46x (27.8 fps)
  72 fps - [SVP] simple 2:        1.91x (137.8 fps)

Post's attachments

almost1.jpg 277.79 kb, 247 downloads since 2012-07-27 

Re: Force GPU to perform interpolation?

you can only improve video rendering quality with madVR  - follow this or that guide

but you should understand that core2duo is really too slow in 2012 wink

btw, LAV decoder should offload about 50% of your CPU in case of 1080p

Re: Force GPU to perform interpolation?

Chainik wrote:

you can only improve video rendering quality with madVR  - follow this or that guide

but you should understand that core2duo is really too slow in 2012 wink

btw, LAV decoder should offload about 50% of your CPU in case of 1080p

Thanks for the reply!

Yep, I'm using LAV decoder as laid-out in the tutorial link you've provided. Even so, my GPU is only running at 25-30% while my CPU is running at 95-100%? Is it possible to offload more computation to the GPU?

Re: Force GPU to perform interpolation?

may be this'll change in the future

Re: Force GPU to perform interpolation?

If a ATI 5570 (scores reaching 200% in 1080p) according to,
will a system with a 2.0Ghz Core 2 Duo and a ATI 5570 sufficient to do 1080p in at least Simple mode?

Re: Force GPU to perform interpolation?

though it's minimal acceptable hardware I wouldn't expect it'll play 1080p smoothly