Topic: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

I install everything from SVP 3.1.2 Full and follow the solution in FAQ.
The ffdshow raw video filter works perfectly.
But SVP Manager still tells me "wating for ffdshow video".
How can I solve this problem?

I'm using Windows 7 64bit.

Post's attachments

waiting for ffdshow video.jpg 390.22 kb, 374 downloads since 2012-08-26 

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

That's strange...  ffdshow video "icon" is shown...It should work  hmm
Same setting as yours & win7 64

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

- MPC-HC is a 32-bit version?
- MPC-HC and SVP Manager is running under the same user?

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

Run both SVP Manager and player from Windows Explorer window.
If problem still present then show your last launch log: SVP tray menu - Show - Last launch log.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

Chainik wrote:

- MPC-HC is a 32-bit version?
- MPC-HC and SVP Manager is running under the same user?

Yes,it's 32-bit version and same user.

MAG79 wrote:

Run both SVP Manager and player from Windows Explorer window.
If problem still present then show your last launch log: SVP tray menu - Show - Last launch log.

When the player starts playing I can't right click the SVP Manager.
I play the video for 1 minute before I close the player.
And the Last launch log shows like that:

22:25:28.126; Start: SVPMgr 3.1.2 starts...
22:25:28.128; Start: read settings file settings.ini
22:25:28.129; Start: load language file - English. Duration: 26 ms
22:25:28.155; Start: clear Logs folder
22:25:28.155; Start: SVPMgr folders prepare
22:25:28.161; Start: performance graphs prepare
22:25:28.162; Start: read settings file SVPMgr.ini
22:25:28.163; Start: monitors settings detection. Duration: 896 ms
22:25:29.060; Start: disable LNG-file write when UAC enabled
22:25:29.061; Start: change SVP-manager priority
22:25:29.061; Start: register hotkeys
22:25:29.064; Start: check launched instance of SVP-manager
22:25:29.065; Start: check Avisynth installed. Duration: 6 ms
22:25:29.071; Start: get versions of modules used 1.2.4453.0/
22:25:29.072; Start: refresh autostart state in registry
22:25:29.072; Start: some more work with registry
22:25:29.075; Start: create menu
22:25:29.079; Start: update settings file settings.ini. Duration: 27 ms
22:25:29.106; Start: update monitor settings
22:25:29.108; Start: prepare "About the program" window. Duration: 11 ms
22:25:29.119; Start: enable ffdShow waiting mode
22:25:29.120; RefreshSVP
22:25:29.124; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video
22:25:29.125; Start: prepare to work is complete
22:25:35.233; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow
22:25:35.236; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab start
22:26:40.481; RefreshSVP
22:26:40.482; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

Post's attachments

32bit mpc hc and sane user.jpg 475.28 kb, 240 downloads since 2012-08-26 

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

I'm not sure, MAG79 knows better, but start with adding %appdata%\SVP 3.1 folder to your anti virus exclusion list.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

...and check that folder permissions.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

When the player starts playing I can't right click the SVP Manager.
It is very strange. It must work when playing.
As Chainik said, Have you permission to access to %appdata% folder?
What exact version of windows do you using? Is it official version?

22:25:35.236; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab start
22:26:40.481; RefreshSVP

This is the place of problem: GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab can not work fine.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

Try hidden setting VarChkDimAndFps=2
1. Choose Interface type - Expert
2. Information - Hidden settings - change value of VarChkDimAndFps, close and save
3. Relaunch SVP Manager

10 (edited by lkk_12342001 27-08-2012 04:21:48)

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

Chainik wrote:

I'm not sure, MAG79 knows better, but start with adding %appdata%\SVP 3.1 folder to your anti virus exclusion list.

I'm using MSE and comodo. Both of their exclusion list has added the folder. Still the same situation.

Chainik wrote:

...and check that folder permissions.

I follow the steps here to change the folder permissions: … ows-7.html
SVP manager still can't work most of the time.
It shows the error occasionally.(see picture below)

Post's attachments

error.jpg 348.99 kb, 238 downloads since 2012-08-27 

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

MAG79 wrote:

When the player starts playing I can't right click the SVP Manager.
It is very strange. It must work when playing.
As Chainik said, Have you permission to access to %appdata% folder?
What exact version of windows do you using? Is it official version?

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x86
It is genuine copy.

MAG79 wrote:

Try hidden setting VarChkDimAndFps=2
1. Choose Interface type - Expert
2. Information - Hidden settings - change value of VarChkDimAndFps, close and save
3. Relaunch SVP Manager

I change that.But it doesn't work. Even the error didn't show up again.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

It looks like kind of Unicode trouble.
Try to add English-named user and play same video under that user. If it will work I will have to prepare and give you debug version to find and fix this error.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

MAG79 wrote:

It looks like kind of Unicode trouble.
Try to add English-named user and play same video under that user. If it will work I will have to prepare and give you debug version to find and fix this error.

Thank you! It works!
The original user name is Traditional Chinese.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

Here the debug version of SVP Manager.

Installation instruction.
Exit from SVP Manager, unpack, replace SVPMgr.exe and relaunch SVP Manager.

Please post here last launch log on this debug version of SVP Manager after error occurs again. Do it from Unicode-named user (in Traditional Chinese).

Post's attachments 337.42 kb, 564 downloads since 2012-08-28 

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

MAG79 wrote:

Here the debug version of SVP Manager.

Installation instruction.
Exit from SVP Manager, unpack, replace SVPMgr.exe and relaunch SVP Manager.

Please post here last launch log on this debug version of SVP Manager after error occurs again. Do it from Unicode-named user (in Traditional Chinese).

Sorry I gave a wrong version of the windows.It's x64 version.
I don't know whether it will affect or not.
It still can play under Unicode-named user.
This is the last launch log

16:43:25.340; RefreshSVP
16:43:25.342; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video
16:43:25.342; Start: prepare to work is complete
16:43:30.402; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow
16:43:30.403; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab start. Duration: 101 ms
16:43:30.504; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - delete old files
16:43:30.504; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - MyFFDisON check
16:43:30.506; SetGrabParams - tempFolder=C:\Users\林柏丞\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\temp
16:43:30.506; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - tempFolder=C:\Users\林柏丞\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\temp
16:43:31.007; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 1. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:31.509; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 2. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:32.011; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 3. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:32.513; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 4. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:33.015; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 5. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:33.517; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 6. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:34.019; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 7. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:34.521; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 8. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:35.023; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 9. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:35.525; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 10. Duration: 502 ms
16:43:36.027; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 11
16:45:03.184; RefreshSVP
16:45:03.186; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

Thank you.

Opps! This is the cause! It must be short UTF8 path. Like "folder~1".
Please show log file entirely. I need first two lines where presents Unicode and UTF8 paths.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

MAG79 wrote:

Thank you.

Opps! This is the cause! It must be short UTF8 path. Like "folder~1".
Please show log file entirely. I need first two lines where presents Unicode and UTF8 paths.

19:24:11.777; Start: SVPMgr 3.1.2 starts...
19:24:11.777; Start: read settings file settings.ini
19:24:11.777; Start: load language file - English. Duration: 27 ms
19:24:11.804; Start: clear Logs folder
19:24:11.805; Start: SVPMgr folders prepare
19:24:11.809; Start: performance graphs prepare
19:24:11.810; Start: read settings file SVPMgr.ini
19:24:11.811; Start: monitors settings detection. Duration: 869 ms
19:24:12.680; Start: disable LNG-file write when UAC enabled
19:24:12.681; Start: change SVP-manager priority
19:24:12.681; Start: register hotkeys
19:24:12.682; Start: check launched instance of SVP-manager
19:24:12.683; Start: check Avisynth installed
19:24:12.687; Start: get versions of modules used 1.2.4453.0/
19:24:12.688; Start: refresh autostart state in registry
19:24:12.688; Start: some more work with registry
19:24:12.690; Start: create menu
19:24:12.695; Start: update settings file settings.ini. Duration: 24 ms
19:24:12.719; Start: update monitor settings
19:24:12.719; Start: prepare "About the program" window. Duration: 397 ms
19:24:13.116; Start: enable ffdShow waiting mode
19:24:13.118; RefreshSVP
19:24:13.121; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video
19:24:13.121; Start: prepare to work is complete
19:24:18.712; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow
19:24:18.714; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab start. Duration: 100 ms
19:24:18.814; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - delete old files
19:24:18.815; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - MyFFDisON check
19:24:18.816; SetGrabParams - tempFolder=C:\Users\林柏丞\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\temp
19:24:18.817; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - tempFolder=C:\Users\林柏丞\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\temp
19:24:19.318; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 1. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:19.820; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 2. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:20.322; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 3. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:20.824; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 4. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:21.326; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 5. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:21.828; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 6. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:22.330; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 7. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:22.832; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 8. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:23.334; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 9. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:23.836; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 10. Duration: 502 ms
19:24:24.338; GetDimensionAndFPS_Grab - send CaptureImageMessage 11. Duration: 13493 ms
19:24:37.831; RefreshSVP
19:24:37.832; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

Thanks. Oh! I see.
UTF8 path not created because Unicode path not detected. It is strange. I will change detection algorithm.
Tomorrow will be available debug version #2 of SVP Manager.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

I decided to disable Unicode detection. Here UTF-8 version of SVP Manager.

Installation instruction.
Exit from SVP Manager, unpack, replace SVPMgr.exe and relaunch SVP Manager.

Please check how it works and post here last launch log after playing the same video file. Do it from Unicode-named user (in Traditional Chinese).

Post's attachments 337.4 kb, 569 downloads since 2012-08-29 

20 (edited by lkk_12342001 29-08-2012 08:24:07)

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

MAG79 wrote:

I decided to disable Unicode detection. Here UTF-8 version of SVP Manager.

Installation instruction.
Exit from SVP Manager, unpack, replace SVPMgr.exe and relaunch SVP Manager.

Please check how it works and post here last launch log after playing the same video file. Do it from Unicode-named user (in Traditional Chinese).

I get an error when I try to open SVPMgr.exe

Post's attachments

error.JPG, 25.08 kb, 490 x 190
error.JPG 25.08 kb, 588 downloads since 2012-08-29 

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

The error said that SVP Manager can not find AppData folder with necessary files.
UTF-8 path not work at your system. I don't know why.

Please, show content from file C:\Users\林柏丞\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\Logs\Log.txt

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

MAG79 wrote:

The error said that SVP Manager can not find AppData folder with necessary files.
UTF-8 path not work at your system. I don't know why.

Please, show content from file C:\Users\林柏丞\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\Logs\Log.txt

The log didn't change anything since I use SVPMgr_UTF8Version.
SVP manger always crash when I open it.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

It crashes after creating Log. You can check it by deleting Log.txt before launching SVP Mamager.

I waiting for that Log.txt.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

MAG79 wrote:

It crashes after creating Log. You can check it by deleting Log.txt before launching SVP Mamager.

I waiting for that Log.txt.

Sorry,it didn't create anything even if I delete Log.txt and relaunch SVP Manager.

Re: Waiting for ffdshow video (User name in Chinese)

under user 林柏丞?
very strange hmm