Topic: Framerate issues / frame drops.
Hello, I must say I greatly appreciate the SVP. You guys really outdid yourselves with this one!
However, I have run into a strange issue.. Which happens whenever I play any video content. 720p or 1080p etc, resolution doesn't seem to matter.
When I use the EVR Custom renderer I get around 59-60 fps without v-sync. Video looks quite smooth but I don't have v-sync on.
I also get like 5ms jitter. When I enable v-sync (accurate, alternative etc makes no difference) I start to get huge framedrops.
Approximately 2-3 frames dropped per second. FPS is around 57-58 as well..
I've tried different renderers as well, Haali.. But I get a huge audio lag with that one, like +200ms jitter
I've kinda run out of options.. So I'm asking for your help! Thanks. I also don't know what I could post here to help you guys see the problem, except for
my system specs.
CPU: Intel i5 750 @ 3.35GHz
GPU: XFX AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB
Active filters:
Default DirectSound Device
Enhanced Video Renderer (Custom Presenter)
Audio Switcher
ffdshow Audio Decoder
ffdshow Video Decoder
LAV Video Decoder
LAV Splitter Source
Also tried to use ReClock but didn't notice much help, at least with the frame drops.