Oh also, I wonder if you have seen the newer Yushko update which isn't at that link. He was distributing it as "MVTools2 Extreme Edition".
You probably already know about it but just to make sure, the following is YFRC-06dd-01mm-2011yyyy.avsi:
# Author: RunForLife(Oleg Yushko) http://videomontazh.com.ua
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, or visit
# http:#www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\MvTools2\mvtools2debug.dll")
#LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\MaskTools2.0a36\mt_masktools-26.dll")
#If u feel bad with blending, u can turn it off: YFRC(OverlayType=1)
function YFRC(clip clp_Input, int "BlockH", int "BlockV", int "OverlayType", int "MaskExpand")
#Yushko Frame Rate Converter 2x
#ColorSpace: YV12
#OverlayType: 0 - soft (blend), 1 - hard (SelectOdd)
clp_input = ConvertToYV12(clp_input) # script produce YV12 colorspace (3 times faster than YUY2!!!)
clp_Super = MSuper(clp_Input.blur(1), chroma=true, pel=2) # blur(1) - smooth edges for better analysing
ox = clp_Input.width()
oy = clp_Input.height()
fps_num = FrameRateNumerator(clp_input)*2 # Numerator , always 2X
fps_den = FrameRateDenominator(clp_input) # Denominator, always same as input clip
fps_num = ((fps_num==0||fps_den==0)) ? FramerateNumerator(clp_input)*2 : fps_num
fps_den = ((fps_num==0||fps_den==0)) ? FramerateDenominator(clp_input) : fps_den
MaskExpand = default(MaskExpand, 1) # 1 or 2
OverlayType = default(OverlayType, 0) # 0 - like ConvertFPS (blend); 1 - like ChangeFPS (strong);
blendSOFT = (OverlayType==0) ? clp_Input.ConvertFPS(fps_num, fps_den).SelectOdd() : DeleteFrame(clp_Input, 0)
BlockH = default(BlockH, 16) # use 8 for 320x240 (WEB); 16 for 720x576 (SD); 32 for 1280x720 (720p HD); 32 for 1920x1080 (1080p HD)
BlockV = default(BlockV, 16) # use 8 for 320x240 (WEB); 16 for 720x576 (SD); 32 for 1280x720 (720p HD); 32 for 1920x1080 (1080p HD)
blendHARD = DeleteFrame(clp_Input, 0) # SceneChange detection
bw1_vec116 = clp_Super.MAnalyse(blksize=BlockH, blksizeV=BlockV, isb = true , chroma=false, search=1, searchparam=1, truemotion=true, lambda=2000, global=true, dct=0, divide=2)
fw1_vec116 = clp_Super.MAnalyse(blksize=BlockH, blksizeV=BlockV, isb = false, chroma=false, search=1, searchparam=1, truemotion=true, lambda=2000, global=true, dct=0, divide=2)
ErrorMask16L = MMask(clp_input, bw1_vec116, kind=1)
ErrorMask16R = DeleteFrame(MMask(clp_input, fw1_vec116, kind=1), 0)
ErrorMask16 = Overlay(ErrorMask16L, ErrorMask16R, opacity=0.5, mode="Lighten")#.ColorYUV(gain_y=256)
SceneChange = MSCDetection(clp_input, bw1_vec116, thSCD2=130)
FPSconverted16 = clp_input.MSimpleFlowFps(clp_input.MSuper(), bw1_vec116, fw1_vec116, num=fps_num, den=fps_den, blend=false, mask=0) #mask=0 - doesn't matter what mode is
CircleExpand = mt_circle(radius=MaskExpand, zero=true)
CircleInpand = mt_circle(radius=1 , zero=true)
ErrorMask16 = ErrorMask16.BicubicResize(Round((Ox/BlockH)/4)*4, Round((Oy/BlockV)/4)*4).mt_expand(mode=CircleExpand).mt_inpand(mode=CircleInpand).mt_binarize(64).Blur(1).BicubicResize(ox, oy)
ClipToReturn = mt_merge(SelectOdd(FPSconverted16), blendSOFT, ErrorMask16, luma=true)
ClipToReturn = mt_merge(ClipToReturn, blendHARD, SceneChange, luma=true)
ClipToReturn = Interleave(clp_Input, ClipToReturn)
return ClipToReturn
I found it to be lower quality than our scripts, but maybe there is something useful in there.