Topic: Memory leak or normal?

The media player (Jriver MC18) is using 2200 MB of memory, is this normal? Im on Windows 8.

Post's attachments

mem leak.png 55.44 kb, 208 downloads since 2012-11-26 

Re: Memory leak or normal?

who knows  roll

if it's working fine then it's normal

3 (edited by Oehr 01-12-2012 22:25:38)

Re: Memory leak or normal?

probably normal, if youre still around 2.2GB after that movie finished smile

mine is also always around 2 and 3GB big_smile

P.S. using mpchc + ffshow tryouts though

Re: Memory leak or normal?

I think it is not normal. Must be around 500 MB for 720p.
See details in the topic [SOLVED] Memory leaks because of avisynth 2.6