Topic: Best configuration SVP for my system

Hello, I built a PC specifically for use only SVP with these features:

CPU Intel Core i7-3770 3,4GHz Socket 1155 con GPU Ivy Bridge

MotherBoard AsRock H77 Pro4-M Socket 1155 Intel H77 DDR3 SATA3 USB3 VGA DVI HDMI MicroATX

RAM: DDR3 G.Skill Ares F3-1866C9D-8GAB 1866MHz 8GB (2x4GB) 9-10-9 2N Low Profile

SSD: SSD Crucial RealSSD M4 64GB 2.5" Lettura 415MB/s Scrittura 95MB/s

I did not buy the video card should be enough because the processor (correct?)

What is the best configuration I have to do?

Sorry for my English, but with google translate.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Core i7-3770
Good CPU with performance level enough to use profiles set 5g.

You have choice:
- to use CPU only: you can get pixel/halfpixel precision with some artifacts at frame borders;
- to use CPU + HD4000: you can get pixel precision without frame border artifacts;
- to use CPU + discrete graphics: you can get subpixel precision without frame border artifacts; BETTER QUALITY!

If you ask what settings should you use then just install SVP Full. Optimal settings will be installed automatically due to build in performance estimation.

3 (edited by Michael 22-02-2013 00:58:49)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I'm Italian and I do not know the English. I use the google translator. please can you talk m simple way? the translator has problems.
HD4000 I did not understand things.
For best performance, suggest to buy a video card? If yes, please tell me the model I need to purchase.
I assembled a PC specifically for use with SVP (kudos to the developers).

Sono italiano e non so L'inglese. Uso il traduttore di google. perfavore puoi parlare in modo semplice? il traduttore ha problemi.
hd4000 non ho capito cosè.
Per le migliori prestazioni, suggerisci di comprare una scheda video? Se si, perfavore mi dici il modello che devo acquistare.
Ho assemblato un pc appositamente per usarlo con SVP (complimenti agli sviluppatori).

4 (edited by Michael 22-02-2013 00:49:55)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

What is the 5g?

Cos'è il 5g?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

HD4000 is Intel HD Graphics 4000
Discrete videocard needed to best quality not for best performance.
5g is a Name of profiles set. You will see it. SVP tray menu - Video profiles - Reset to defaults.

Not so expensive is GeForce GT 640. It has enough performance, best quality and most compatible* to SVP than AMD video cards.

* supports NVIDIA 3D Vision for Stereo 3D monitors and projectors
* supports HW deinterlacing in the decoder (LAV CUVID).

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

So, for the best quality, which video card ki tips to buy?
What are the settings MadVR, Lav filter and ffdshow?
I tried to watch a movie in hd 720p svp and madvr on, but it looks a bit 'rallentTore and jerky.
Movies SD, with svp and madvr activated by activating the test tearing, shows the yellow line is not straight.

Quindi, per la migliore qualitá, quale scheda video ki consigli di comprare?
Quali sono i settaggi di MadVR, Lav filter e ffdshow?
Ho provato a guardare un filmato in hd 720p con svp e madvr attivato, ma si vede un po' al rallentTore e a scatti.
I filmati SD, con svp e madvr attivati, attivando il test tearing, mostra la line gialla non dritta.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

quale scheda video ki consigli di comprare?
GeForce GT 640. It is small, not expensive. See previous answer.

mostra la line gialla non dritta.
Enable V-Sync.
What videocard do you use?

Use tag {off} for original message.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Ok, now I buy the video card nvidia geforce gt 640.
I can not seem to find V-Sync, where is it?

What do you mean "What videocard do you use?" I have not the video card, I have to buy.

Ok, adesso compro la scheda video nvidia geforce gt 640.
Non risco a trovare V-Sync, dove si trova?

Cosa vuol dire "che scheda video usi"? Non ho ancora la scheda video, la devo comprare.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Oh! I see. It was your HD4000.

To avoid tearing of vertical lines you need to enable Vertical Synchronization in your Intel HD Graphics driver.
Like this (Russian GUI):

Post's attachments

VerticalSync.png, 57.98 kb, 651 x 573
VerticalSync.png 57.98 kb, 659 downloads since 2013-02-22 

10 (edited by Michael 22-02-2013 15:35:38)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I activated, but the problem still exists. Indeed, it seems worse.

ho attivato la funzione,  ma il problema esiste lo stesso. Anzi, sembra peggiorare.

11 (edited by %username% 22-02-2013 17:00:54)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

You install GT640, yes?
How many videocards in your device manager now? What the are?
And monitor connected to which of two: GT640 or HD4000?
Who is decoder: GT640 or HD4000?
SVPGPU enabled for GT640 or HD4000?


as for me I hate intel HD graphics, its fuck around all users thats look forward HD4000 for any tasks harder than MS Word

the highest HD4000 is slower than the slowest AMD APU

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I still have to buy it. are they gone on ebay, but I do not know which one to choose.
please, show me which one to take? … mp;_sop=15

Devo ancora acquistarla. sono andaro su ebay, ma non so quale scegliere.
perfavore, mi indichi quale prendere? … mp;_sop=15

13 (edited by %username% 22-02-2013 17:26:14)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

O, you still NOT buying it.
For myself I choose 3 cards:
1. Asus GT 640 DirectCU Silent if computer case is good blown
2. ASUS GT640-2GD3 or GIGABYTE 2GB nVidia GeForce GT640 PCI-E DVI

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

My case is this:
Among the three tabs that you told me, what do you recommend?

Il mio case è questo:
Tra le tre schede che mi hai detto,  quale mi consigli?

15 (edited by %username% 22-02-2013 18:22:14)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system


My case is this:

its helpless information becouse its nothing about wires, coolers, etc stuff

my case for example is ready for passive cooling videocards wink

Among the three tabs that you told me, what do you recommend?

In ordinary case choose one from ASUS GT640-2GD3 or GIGABYTE 2GB nVidia GeForce GT640 by price, personal taste, etc

16 (edited by Michael 25-02-2013 22:13:05)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

In short, I get the video card you suggested. I bought the ASUS GT640-2GD3.

I did some test, and the only ipostazione that allows me to use with SVP MadVR without tearing is the setting you see in the image I have attached.

If I try to raise the quality of MadVR, SVP goes in slow motion and the particular co tearing. Why?

The "GPU-acceleration (OpenCL)" is disabled.

"Variable frame rate repair" is activated.

From Settings, "Enable deinterlacing" is disabled.

It is entirely correct or should I change something?

A breve, riceverò la scheda video che mi hai consigliato. Ho comprato la ASUS GT640-2GD3.

Ho fatto qualche prova, e l'unica ipostazione che mi permette di utilizzare SVP con MadVR senza il tearing è il settaggio che vedi nell'immagine che ho allegato.

Se provo ad alzare la qualitá di MadVR, SVP va a rallentatore e co lare il tearing. Perchè?

La funzione "GPU-acceleration (OpenCL)" è disattivata.

"Variable frame rate repair" è attivato.

Da Setting, la funzione "Enable deinterlacing" è disattivata.

È tutto corretto o devo cambiare qualcosa?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Do not load the picture. the setting of MadVR in "image upscaling" is on bilinear.

Non carica la foto. l'impostazione di MadVR in "image upscaling" è su bilinear.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

First of all connect your display to NVIDIA card NOT to motherboard output.
Look at GPU-Z at Sensors tab. What GPU Load vaules when madVR is working with hard settings?
Attach picture: Preview - Attach - browse - OK - Load - Send.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I came home the video card.

I installed and connected to the TV with the HDMI cable.

The problem is the tearing, how can I fix this?

The following figures are the settings that I have right now.

My TV is set to 1920x1080 at 60Hz.


Settings of the profile

Dettagli facendo tasto destro sull'icona di SVP


Detail filters



Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

The problem is the tearing, how can I fix this?
I don't understand what the problem.
Tearing? Press Ctrl-T (Ctrl-Win-T) in player while playing.
See tearing at pictures below:

Do you see such tearing of line at your TV?

If yes then you need to enable vertical synchronization in your NVIDIA driver.
NVIDIA control panel - 3D settings - 3D settings control - Vertical Sync - switch to enable - Apply

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Yes, I see the image as you put it.
I set what you told me, but the problem is the same.

Sì, vedo l'immagine come dici tu.
Ho impostato quello che mi hai detto, ma il problema è lo stesso.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

HDMI cable from TV inserted into NVIDIA card? Are you sure?

Post's attachments

HDMI_on_MB.jpg, 50.3 kb, 469 x 348
HDMI_on_MB.jpg 50.3 kb, 644 downloads since 2013-02-26 

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I checked again. the HDMI cable is attached to the nVidia video card.
I removed MadVR and the problem is gone. If I use MadVR the problem reappears.
There are many artifacts around the edges of moving.
From the pictures that I put first, I have to set something? For example, I have to enable GPU-Accelaration or something?

Ho controllato ancora. il cavo HDMI è attaccato alla scheda video nVidia.
Ho tolto MadVR  e il problema è scomparso. Se uso MadVR il problema ricompare.
Ci sono molti artefatti intorno ai bordi in movimento.
Dalle immagini che ho messo prima, devo impostare qualcosa? Per esempio, devo abilitare la GPU-Accelaration o altro?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

1. Install last NVIDIA driver.
2. Run SVP-manager, enable GPU-acceleration and reset profiles:
- SVP tray menu - GPU-acceleration (OpenCL)
- SVP tray menu - Video profiles - Reset to defaults - OK
3. Choose one of good renderers in MPC-HC:
- madVR (is the best, I don't know why it not working to you)
- EVR cp + Fullscreen D3D
- EVR sync + Fullscreen D3D

Watch the movie and have a fun! smile

I see the cause of wrong madVR work.
You just need to restore right settings.
You have a lot of WRONG values there now.

Find in SVP\madVR\ folder and launch file: restore default settings.bat

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I reset MadVR and SVP (setting 5G).
Now, with SD movies everything seems ok.
Keep an eye on everything, and let you know.
Thank you for your help.

Ho resettato MadVR e SVP ( setting 5G).
Adesso, con i filmati SD sembra tutto ok.
Tengo d'occhio  il tutto, e ti farò sapere.
Grazie per l'aiuto.