Topic: plevel = 0.5

Dear SVP team,

Can you please adjust this file …

so that I can set plevel to 0.5 ? I find 0 being too smooth and 1 being too "not smooth" smile

Thank you very much if you do it!

Re: plevel = 0.5

plevel is an integer value in MVTools
we won't change external interface in MVTools cause it's Fizick's job

if you want more precise plevel adjustment consider move to SVPflow libraries wink

Re: plevel = 0.5

Thanks for response.
That's what I would do Chainik, if not for the artifacts in the "Holy Motors" movie scene when the guy runs on the thread mill. I have tried every lambda, lsad, plevel, search, algorithm, refinement and etc. settings to try to eliminate it, but I could not. I think your SVPflow libraries are much more flexible than original Fizick's mvtools, but I just can't eliminate those artifacts hmm

Re: plevel = 0.5

Or maybe I am missing something. Is there possibility to set SVP flow to mvtools2 settings? If so, I will keep trying, because I really like the adaptive method for frame interpolation.

Re: plevel = 0.5

artifacts in the "Holy Motors" movie scene when the guy runs on the thread mill. I have tried every lambda, lsad, plevel, search, algorithm, refinement and etc. settings to try to eliminate it, but I could not

You'll need to provide
- two original frames plus
- mvtools based script without artifacts plus
- svpflow based script with artifacts

for us to do something about it wink

Have you tried settings from SubJunk's Interframe script?

6 (edited by Domas4 31-03-2013 15:39:54)

Re: plevel = 0.5

No I havn't. Here is the link for the video.
Artifacts appear on SVP with default or non-default settings, does not matter. The strange black stripes hmm NOTE: Just turn off the frame change detection!
If you don't, it will think the frame is changing all the time and will either repeat or blend frames, and will not do the interpolation. (Something like blocks:80, scene:10000) Also turn off adaptive mode.

My mvtools script is a bit tighter. But even when I relax the settings to get smoothness I get much less artifacts than with SVP. С Пасхой!

svp_flow_lib="C:\Program Files (x86)\Avisynth 2.5\plugins\libflowsse.dll"
super=MSuper(pel=2, hpad=6, vpad=6, rfilter=4)
back=MAnalyse(super,isb=true, overlap=4, overlapv=4, lsad=1000, lambda=4000, blksize=16,blksizev=16, search_coarse=3, plevel=1, pelsearch=2, search=3, searchparam=2, badrange=-24,badSAD=8000)
forward=MAnalyse(super,isb=false, overlap=4, overlapv=4, lsad=1000, lambda=4000, blksize=16, blksizev=16,search_coarse=3, plevel=1, pelsearch=2, search=3, searchparam=2, badrange=-24,badSAD=8000)
Framerate<=30 && Framerate>=29 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=24 && Framerate>=23 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=25 && Framerate> 24 ? Eval("""
""") : NOP
MSmoothFps(super, back, forward, finest=F, num=FramerateNumerator(last)*num2, den=FramerateDenominator(last)*den2, algo=13, block=false, sadgamma=0.5, sadml=160, blend=true,thSCD2=155)
GetMTMode(false) > 0 ? distributor() : last

Re: plevel = 0.5

Thanx for script and for this video sample. Good test for any frame interpolation software. Very hard.

Take a look at these comparisons.

Wave artifacts both at your script and at SVP 3.1.4.

Your script gives more frameblending area, SVP 3.1.4 gives more true interpolation area but more wave artifacts.

Your script gives more frameblending area, SVP 3.1.4 gives more true interpolation area but more wave artifacts.

used SVP 3.1.4 script:


global svp_scheduler=true
global threads=5
global svp_cache_fwd=threads+2
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 3.1.4\plugins\svpflow1.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 3.1.4\plugins\svpflow2.dll")

global super_params="{scale:{up:0},gpu:1,rc:true}"
global analyse_params="{main:{search:{coarse:{distance:-10,bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}"
global smoothfps_params="{gpuid:21,rate:{num:5,den:2},algo:13,scene:{}}"

super=SVSuper(last, super_params)
vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params, src=last)
smooth=SVSmoothFps(last, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, url="")

We can adjust SVP 3.1.4 script for such hard video source. SVP 3.1.4 can blend frames too.

Post's attachments

compare_1685_1686.gif, 214.76 kb, 640 x 416
compare_1685_1686.gif 214.76 kb, 648 downloads since 2013-04-01 

compare_2214_2215.gif, 260.96 kb, 640 x 416
compare_2214_2215.gif 260.96 kb, 632 downloads since 2013-04-01 

compare_2950_2951.gif, 217.86 kb, 640 x 416
compare_2950_2951.gif 217.86 kb, 651 downloads since 2013-04-01 

8 (edited by Domas4 01-04-2013 11:58:25)

Re: plevel = 0.5

MAG79 excellent screenshots. Yes it gives a bit more blending area, so take a look at the bottom picture left corner, you can clearly see the black stripe being waved, which clearly spoils the picture when watching real time. The blending area might be reduced by setting plevel=0 in my script. I tried to do the same blending with SVP 3.14 by setting values same as in Mvtools2, but I could not get rid of those "black" waves. Anyhow, good that you guys are testing. smile Good luck

Re: plevel = 0.5

Try replace in SVP 3.1.4 folder this file (override.js) from Beta-tester gaunt. He posted this file just some minutes ago. It gives no annoying wave artifacts at your sample. wink Try it.

If apply this file to 5g 720p profile then you will get script like this:


global svp_scheduler=true
global threads=5
global svp_cache_fwd=threads+2
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 3.1.4\plugins\svpflow1.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 3.1.4\plugins\svpflow2.dll")

global super_params="{scale:{up:0,down:1},gpu:1,rc:true}"
global analyse_params="{main:{search:{coarse:{distance:0,bad:{sad:1024,range:16},type:4,satd:true,trymany:true},type:4,distance:0,sort:false,satd:false},penalty:{lambda:2,plevel:1.4,lsad:6000,pnew:48,pglobal:0,pzero:48,pnbour:48,prev:48},levels:0},refine:[{thsad:250}]}"
global smoothfps_params="{gpuid:21,rate:{num:5,den:2},algo:13,scene:{limits:{m1:16000,m2:2800,scene:4500,zero:400,blocks:3},luma:1,blend:false}}"

super=SVSuper(last, super_params)
vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params, src=last)
smooth=SVSmoothFps(last, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, url="")

Script does frame repeating at hard places. To change frame repeating to frame blending use blend:true option in global smoothfps_params line.

Re: plevel = 0.5

Well yes, but it's too aggressive. It's either on or off. Every other scene now becomes either very fluent or very "jaggy". Wish it was more "sequential". You know, not like either on (1) or off (0), but like 0, 0.2, 0.4 , 0.6, 0.8, 1 based on how aggressive the scene is.

Re: plevel = 0.5

It was 1 April joke smile sorry.
I believed too wink
I will continue to debug SVP script with your test video.

Re: plevel = 0.5

So that's how you programmers joke around!  lol Good one.

Re: plevel = 0.5

Any progress with the "stress-test" video?

Re: plevel = 0.5

No. Sorry.
I will return to this topic but later.

Re: plevel = 0.5

I don't know if it's against the rules to bring back old topics, but any news about this 'wave effect'?

I got better results using a dot crawl script, LUTDeCrawl.

If anyone test it someday you can copy the .avsi in the avisynth plugins page.

the code that i'm using > LUTDeCrawl(ythresh=10, cthresh=10, maxdiff=50, scnchg=25, usemaxdiff=true, mask=false)

Re: plevel = 0.5

I got better results using a dot crawl script, LUTDeCrawl.

i believe the same result should be with 13th SVP-shader
basically it does the same thing