Topic: using svp to create live 3d stream

I have two identical 8mp usb3.0 cameras which can stream 1080p@30hz.  I was thinking of using ffdshow and avisynth plugins to create a live 3d video 1080p@60 stream
I'm building a new rig for this with 3.5ghz haswell i7/16gb ddr3/geforce titan videocard

I was thinking of using the Pantarheon 3d AviSynth toolbox to combine the two cameras into a hdmi1.4 compatible stream
and using svp to upsample to 60hz

1.  is this possible, or just a crazy notion
2.  if this is possible, should I upsample with svp before combining or can svp handle the combined video format?

Re: using svp to create live 3d stream

SVP can increase fps for every stream separately or for stereo-stream. As you wish.
But I don't know if any TV can handle FullHD 3D frame packing (1920x2205) at 60 Hz. And HDMI 1.4 can't transport 3D 1080p60 (wikipedia):

HDMI 1.4 requires that 3D displays support the frame packing 3D format at either 720p50 and 1080p24 or 720p60 and 1080p24

You need HDMI 1.4b

HDMI 1.4b was released on October 11, 2011. One of the new features is that it adds support to 3D 1080p video at 120 Hz -allowing frame packing 3D format at 1080p60 per Eye (120 Hz total)

I didn't work with it yet. You can try.

Re: using svp to create live 3d stream

forgot to add to my new rig was a BenQ 120hz capable Nvidia 3d v2 1080p monitor.
I was thinking that if I did the streams separately, a time sync issue between l/r eye would develop?  Not sure about avs running separate threads for each stream being able to keep their time stamps sync'd
Do you think my current cpu/videocard can do this?