You could also use windows search for "reclock". then pick "Reclock configuration" (or you go manualy to the folder ReClock was installed to and start confiq.exe)
Go to "Advanced settings" either click "restore default settings" or on the same page, pick the player you are using and the ReClock status you want for it) manualy.
also, since installation i noticed a general loss in video quality. everything is more pixelated than before, and also the video "stutters" when the camera moves
Stuttering when the camera moves is something SVP is meant to reduce (remove), not to produce.
If this happens during SVP is running, it may be that settings are too high for the computer or the video.
Video stutter without SVP:
1. try to restart windows and look if it gets better. I think I had experienced something like that before.
2. If you used SVP for a longer time, your eyes are ruined for normal video. I cant watch video without realising a horrible stuttering, specially in camera movement. I first thought installing SVP wrecked my video output, but in fact I experienced the same horrible stutter on my smartphone (there is no Android SVP, so it could not have wreck my Android...ha ha) and I experienced it with computers of friends, who did never use SVP.