Topic: Streaming Causes MPC-HC to Crash

I am unsure if the crashing is due to the stream utilizing YouTube's system, but every time I open a link, it starts to buffer, then crash.
I get the streaming links from KissAnime, if that helps.

SVP v3.1.6
MPC-HC v1.7.3

Re: Streaming Causes MPC-HC to Crash

I get the same error and I also get my links from KissAnime. Can someone help?

Re: Streaming Causes MPC-HC to Crash

Every link lead to crash?
What error number?

Re: Streaming Causes MPC-HC to Crash

Yes every link I've tried led to a crash. I think the error number is either 1000 or 1001. I'm not sure but i went through "Event Viewer" -> "Windows logs" -> Application and that's how I found the number. Not sure if it's right.