Animation? First 60 seconds have only simple pans - and that's why this source was picked for demonstration. Last 30 seconds actually have CG animation and they look as bad as any other CG animation in anime.
James D wrote:try to use "skip every 2nd frame".
Sure it will help wih smoothness but it will just destroy the video. 12 FPS is way too low for interpolation.
James D wrote:Looks like you have bad source file. Example would be useful for devs.
Get any full-CG anime (Sidonia no Kishi, Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio, GITS: Arise...) and enjoy^Wsuffer.
mashingan wrote:3. If the video is encoded source, the cause maybe low setting in encoding.
mashingan wrote:2. If the video source directly from BDMV, it means the studio didn't give enough frames for that particular scene. This can only be asked to the studio
Yeap. Except "this particular scene" is 100% of the scenes.
It's an anime, what do you expect? Even CG is animated at 8/12 fps.