Topic: I5 6500 vs I5 6600 vs I5 4690k,need help deciding on cpu for build.
Does anyone have an idea if the performance difference between them is worth the $25 price difference?How is the HD Graphics 530 with svp(would I be able to use madvr to some extent?)
Just a quick rundown if you don't know difference between them:The I5 6500 has base clock of 3.2 and a maximum turbo clock of 3.6. The I5 6600 has base clock of 3.3 and a maximum turbo clock of 3.9.
Or should I just suck it up and go with an I5 4690k?Does overclocking really help with Svp?Or would the stock clocks be enough?(I only intend to use svp for 60@1080p).
Skylake has a better Igpu which I will be using for about a 9 months or so before I get a dedicated gpu so I need to know how much that would affect svp performance as the HD 530 is a substantial increase over the HD 4600.
Any replies would be appreciated.