1 (edited by kibumm 15-10-2015 14:47:15)

Topic: SVP 4 Korean translating completed.

As I said in SVP 4's facebook, I finished translation.

So, I upload my ko.qm for Korean.

Download attached ko.qm and replace it in your SVP 4 directory, (C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\i18n)

Restart SVP, right click SVP icon, click Korean in language box.

However I am 25$ contributor, So I can't see other paid option. But I believe my translation was perfect!

Thank you SVP! smile

Translator : Kibumm, Kim

For Korean user

안녕하세요, SVP 4를 번역한 Kibumm, Kim입니다.

번역 파일의 사용법은 윗내용과 같으며 다운 받으신 파일을 SVP 폴더의 언어 폴더에 넣어주세요. i18n 이 언어 폴더네요.

그리고 SVP 4를 재실행 하신다음 트레이 아이콘을 우클릭해서 Language 를 Korean으로 바꿔주시면 됩니다.

혹시라도 번역에 문제가 있으면 jkibumm@naver.com으로 연락주세요. 확인은 합니다만 거의 문제 없으리라 봅니다...

Post's attachments

ko.qm 36.15 kb, 492 downloads since 2015-10-15 

Re: SVP 4 Korean translating completed.

Check your FB inbox wink

And please provide a .ts file, I'll upload it to the version control system on the GitHub

Re: SVP 4 Korean translating completed.

Chainik wrote:

Check your FB inbox wink

And please provide a .ts file, I'll upload it to the version control system on the GitHub

What is FB inbox? I think... FB means Facebook. But, I can't find any changes in my Facebook. (I'm not good at Facebook big_smile)

and I uploaded my translated ko.ts file in this reply smile

Post's attachments

ko.ts 85.48 kb, 526 downloads since 2015-10-15 

Re: SVP 4 Korean translating completed.

I found some mistranslated things, so I will update it soon.

Re: SVP 4 Korean translating completed.

I edited some options and purchase page more emotionally (?)

and I tested my ko.qm. But it is not working.

SVP displays older ko.qm's translation.

So... I upload my edited version for next update~ smile

Post's attachments

ko.qm 36.18 kb, 456 downloads since 2015-10-16 

ko.ts 85.52 kb, 534 downloads since 2015-10-16 

Re: SVP 4 Korean translating completed.

I translated more~ more~ fluently, and edited many wrong translated options in purchased version.

Thank you! smile

Post's attachments

ko.qm 36.53 kb, 522 downloads since 2015-10-18 

ko.ts 85.81 kb, 517 downloads since 2015-10-18 

7 (edited by kibumm 28-10-2015 09:17:55)

Re: SVP 4 Korean translating completed.

I translated some added options. smile

Post's attachments

ko.qm 37.17 kb, 533 downloads since 2015-10-28 

ko.ts 87.76 kb, 530 downloads since 2015-10-28 

Re: SVP 4 Korean translating completed.

I translated new sentences in a new version.

Thank you! smile

Post's attachments

ko.qm 37.91 kb, 487 downloads since 2015-11-06 

ko.ts 88.87 kb, 520 downloads since 2015-11-06