1 (edited by sch5 10-11-2015 00:48:20)

Topic: Free/Licensed Installers both freeze and become unresponsive


I'm not sure if it has been reported already (i did searched the forums, only in english tho) but the installer keeps freezing and the window becomes unresponsive when you open Show Details while the download process is happening.
It actually have happened to me with the free version too, but you maybe just overlooked this in the full release as well. I also have a customized gui on my win7 sp1 installation, it might have something to do with it, yet this never occured me once before with other installers either - nor any other programs running on my pc.

Not opening the details panel seems to help to complete the installation without glitches.

Post's attachments

2015-11-10 01_32_36.jpg, 46.77 kb, 528 x 397
2015-11-10 01_32_36.jpg 46.77 kb, 372 downloads since 2015-11-09 

Re: Free/Licensed Installers both freeze and become unresponsive

yeah, I saw this several times too...
not sure if we can fix this o_O