1 (edited by cyclet 26-12-2015 04:29:02)

Topic: Full screen seekbar very slow

CPU: i7 4700HQ
GPU: Nvidia 860M

I've noticed that since upgrading to SVP 4.0 from 3.17 that the seek bar takes a very long time to appear in full screen mode. It's almost like the seek bar is being rendered into the image. I'm not really sure how else I can describe the issue.

I know that this is specifically a problem with SVP 4.0 because disabling SVP causes the seek bar to appear quickly and without issue. The issue does not happen when using madVR, only EVR. From what I can tell, it seems like the issue is only caused by videos encoded in variable frame rates. The issue does not seem to show up in constant frame rates. It also does not seem to be affected by the bit-stream complexity either. 3.17 had variable frame rate repair (which didn't really do anything to be honest) and maybe could have been why this the issue didn't happen prior to 4.0

Has anyone else had a problem like this?

Re: Full screen seekbar very slow

Try enabling "D3D Fullscreen".

You wouldn't happen to be on Windows 10, would you?  Nvidia's drivers for Windows 10 are not as good as AMD's and Intel's.

3 (edited by cyclet 26-12-2015 22:11:20)

Re: Full screen seekbar very slow

I'm on W7. I considered enabling D3D fullscreen but the 3-4 second delay between switching between window and fullscreen exclusive is something I'd like to avoid. The seek bar does appear quickly but I also feel like it removes a lot of the functionality of having a seek bar with there being no buttons and context menu.

Re: Full screen seekbar very slow

Seek bar in fullscreen can be two types:
1) native MPC-HC; or
2) rendered with the frames by renderer (madVR's exclusive mode; EVR's D3D Fullscreen mode).

You see slow appearing in the first case. Do you?
Then try to reduce complexity of SVP computations: move sliderbar to Higher performance.

Post's attachments

SVP4_Higher_performance.png, 24.14 kb, 516 x 612
SVP4_Higher_performance.png 24.14 kb, 470 downloads since 2015-12-27 

5 (edited by cyclet 27-12-2015 20:38:37)

Re: Full screen seekbar very slow

MAG79 wrote:

cycletYou see slow appearing in the first case. Do you?
Then try to reduce complexity of SVP computations: move sliderbar to Higher performance.

This was the first thing I tried playing around with but no matter what the seek bar was still slow to come up.

After experimenting a bit more, I've noticed that this problem specifically only affects videos with variable frame rates encoded to HEVC while running in full screen mode. All three of these conditions need to present for the seek bar to render slowly. I've also noticed that it's not just the seek bar coming up slowly, but frame rate is also very inconsistent in full screen mode. In windowed mode I'm able to get 60fps constant with a constant SVP index. In full screen mode, the frames dip as low as 40fps and the index can go as low as 0.75.

I've also tried a couple different nvidia drivers now and the frame rate drop appears in all of them. I know that HEVC is considerably more complex to decode than x264, but I've experimented with a variable frame rate video with a resolution of 640x480 and it still chugs compared to playing even a 1080p x264 file.

Re: Full screen seekbar very slow

Playing variable frame rates videos is not always worked without issues smile

but frame rate is also very inconsistent in full screen mode
By any chance you're using MadVR? If so, then you need to reduce the upscale setting. Check whether the frames start to drop after full-screen mode.

I've compared playing AVC video and its HEVC encode without SVP, from my observation playing AVC with 32bit player was about the same CPU usage with playing HEVC with 64bit player.