Topic: Abnormal GPU Usage at 1440p [GTX 970]
I have just noticed some abnormalities with my GPU usage at the native resolution of my monitor (2560x1440).
Basically, if turn on image doubling in madVR at any number of neurons, the gpu usage goes to around 95%. This is regardless of what refresh rate the monitor is at it seems. Lowering the refresh rate only drops usage by 1-2% and frames are still being dropped at a very high rate (around 70 per second?).
The odd thing is that when I scale the window down a little to take up around 2/3 of the screen, gpu usage is only at around 40-50% but past some certain point, it just jumps to the 90's. Furthermore, when I turn the resolution of my monitor down to 1920 x 1080, I can basically use max image doubling settings and chroma doubling settings at 96fps (see attached image) and the gpu usage is only at around 60% (2-3 frames are still being dropped per second for some reason).
Thank you for your help!