Topic: Stuttering video at all Frame Rate Conversions (144Hz screen).

Have tried the suggestions from

No one in that thread mentions the SVP Index value though. SVP Index at 1.10+ most of the time. The only time it is a consistent 1.00 is at 'Movie x2', but stutter still occurs, very heavily this time.

To clarify PC specs:
2x 980Ti

I have tried to use both the CPU and GPU in multiple configurations. Any extra suggestions would be very appreciated.

Post's attachments

SVP - Control Panel 2016-01-11 21.30.15.png, 49.18 kb, 516 x 592
SVP - Control Panel 2016-01-11 21.30.15.png 49.18 kb, 451 downloads since 2016-01-11 

2 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 11-01-2016 22:21:51)

Re: Stuttering video at all Frame Rate Conversions (144Hz screen).

I know you said you tried everything in that thread, but I need to make absolute sure you have actually done the following so that we can rule them out...though the first is something not mentioned in that thread.

1. There's an update to SVP (see the icon in the top-right of your screenshot).  Download and install the update; if afterwards your issue still persists, continue to the following steps...

2. Considering your CPU, manually set "Processing threads" in SVP to 23 (Application settings -> Additional options -> Processing threads).

3. You should make sure your LAVfilters output decoder is set to "DXVA2 (copy-back)".

4. Try enabling "D3D fullscreen" in MPC-HC or "use direct3d 11 for presentation" in MadVR.

5. If all else fails, see what happens if you disable GPU acceleration in SVP.

Re: Stuttering video at all Frame Rate Conversions (144Hz screen).

What resolution have your display?

Re: Stuttering video at all Frame Rate Conversions (144Hz screen).

The update back then would not apply, it was for one of the plug-ins and would say that 'there was no update' after clicking 'update'.

As my CPU has 16 threads I set it to 23 to begin with.

I tried using both native and copy-back, neither removed the stutter.

In MadVR the "use direct3d 11 for presentation" is already enabled. When I wasn't using MadVR the SVP index was consistently too low. Using it it's consistently too high. With The D3D Fullscreen enabled (with no MadVR as the options are greyed out) the stutter is still present.

Disabling GPU acceleration and just using the CPU didn't work either, same issue as with it on.

First image is with CPU only, SVP Index jumps to 1.30 sometimes. Second image is with GPU acceleration, SVP Index also jumps to 1.40 sometimes.

My display is 1440p. Seems to be a 1440p issue then? As I saw others with 1440p monitors with stutter. Does not occur on either of my secondary 1080p@60Hz monitors.

Stutter seems only to occur on 1080p files, anything lower does not. My lowest size 1080p file is at 32.5MB. Elaborating on the stutter occurrences, occurs when the SVP Index fluctuates, rather than remaining too high. During a 1080p Trackmania video (255MB), it remained somewhat constant at 1.19. Was very smooth throughout, but putting the 32.5MB STRIKE 7 Keyboard video on, stuttered to hell and the Index was fluctuating all over the place, but never below 1.00.

Thanks for the suggestions, made me double check at least, I await more suggestions. I like the 144Hz interpolation on my 1440p, but the 60Hz on my 1080p will have to do for now until I can find a solution for this.

Post's attachments

SVP - Control Panel 2016-01-13 16.26.07.png, 56.84 kb, 516 x 592
SVP - Control Panel 2016-01-13 16.26.07.png 56.84 kb, 466 downloads since 2016-01-13 

SVP - Control Panel 2016-01-13 16.26.49.png, 61.68 kb, 516 x 592
SVP - Control Panel 2016-01-13 16.26.49.png 61.68 kb, 480 downloads since 2016-01-13 

5 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 13-01-2016 20:05:30)

Re: Stuttering video at all Frame Rate Conversions (144Hz screen).

What if you set your 1440p monitor to 1080p? (refresh rate shouldn't matter)

I know that's sub-optimal, but I'm just trying to see if that really is the cause or not.

Re: Stuttering video at all Frame Rate Conversions (144Hz screen).

I'll give it go. What I found is that changing the resolution and/or refresh rate on my main monitor did nothing.

I did however think of something that may have been causing the problems from the start. GSYNC. Yup, it was the culprit, disable that and even my 14GB Avengers Age Of Ultron file is without stutter. The SVP Index is still sitting at 1.20+ but it's stable and that is key.

I'd suggest making a sticky thread of some sort to advise people with GSYNC monitors to try disabling GSYNC before doing anything else.

7 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 13-01-2016 20:29:29)

Re: Stuttering video at all Frame Rate Conversions (144Hz screen).

This makes me wonder if this is a specific Nvidia/Gsync issue or if it also occurs with Adaptive Sync and FreeSync...

Nevertheless, the SVP index really shouldn't still say 1.20.

In the mean time, is there a way to turn of windowed Gsync?  I believe if you do that and then disable "D3D fullscreen" and "use direct3d11" in MadVR that you'll be able to run fullscreen video without Gsync without needing to disabling completely.

Alternatively, are you able to make an application profile for MPC-HC and set it to have Gsync disabled only for it?

8 (edited by Paradox949 13-01-2016 20:35:02)

Re: Stuttering video at all Frame Rate Conversions (144Hz screen).

I'm not certain, all I know is that the option to disable GSYNC for MPC-HC is greyed out as the application does not support it. It tries to use the global setting anyway though, this seems to cause the stutter.

The option to disable windowed GSYNC was already on for me. I only play games in Fullscreen anyway as the lag is noticeable to me when in windowed mode.

Post's attachments

NVIDIA Control Panel 2016-01-13 20.32.10.png, 25.37 kb, 746 x 276
NVIDIA Control Panel 2016-01-13 20.32.10.png 25.37 kb, 465 downloads since 2016-01-13