1 (edited by bumbalumba 04-08-2016 22:48:21)

Topic: SVP installer doesn't install AVISYTH

i have a problem where the free online installer just doesnt install avisyth
its installs all the other thing i asked but not avisyth (even tho avisyth 32bit is selected)

tried deleting it all and making a clean install and still , it doesnt work

any idea why its happening?

when i try to run svp with a video it just says "cannot locate avisyth please reinstall"

Re: SVP installer doesn't install AVISYTH

It should actually execute Avisynth installer IF there's no "avisynth.dll" in %windir%\syswow64.
The point is if it's already installed - it's up to you to ensure if it's installed correctly.

Installer's log could help - just press "show details" button

Installing component Avisynth 2.6 32-bit