1 (edited by ArcticWolf_11 17-08-2016 21:01:34)

Topic: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

Hi, I was wondering how I would make it play smoother at 144fps from 24fps. When I watch anime or any other video sometimes it would look really choppy when it plays. Would I be able to make it look as smooth as possible in the free version or would I have to get the pro version? Thanks! big_smile

Edit: Would it be possible to make it look as smooth as a really expensive tv at best buy or something?

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

consider that it won't be any smoother just if you'll pay for the Pro version

playing at 144 hz may require some additional adjustements in video player / video renderer / graphics driver settings

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

ah okay, what adjustments would you recommend I try?

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

You say "sometimes" it looks choppy - are you sure that your SVP performance index is not running under 1.0x in such cases?

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

You can also enable Tearing Test line and look at its movements. If must moves smooth without jumps at any places of video.
Jumps of Tearing Test line means you don't see ALL FRAMES produced by SVP. In that case you need to change/customize your renderer/graphics driver first as Chainik said. If it is your case then we will need to know your renderer (madVR or another) and your graphic card with driver version. You can send us bug report. We can read this info from logs attached to it.

6 (edited by ArcticWolf_11 18-08-2016 06:06:47)

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

You say "sometimes" it looks choppy - are you sure that your SVP performance index is not running under 1.0x in such cases?

Its stable at 1.0x and sometimes goes to 1.01x, its more choppy on older anime that isnt in 720 or 1080 but sometimes it skips a tiny bit on 720 and 1080. Is there a way to make the max 2.0x instead of 1? I have an i7 4790k and a GTX 980 so i'm sure it can handle it

MAG79 wrote:

You can also enable Tearing Test line and look at its movements. If must moves smooth without jumps at any places of video.
Jumps of Tearing Test line means you don't see ALL FRAMES produced by SVP. In that case you need to change/customize your renderer/graphics driver first as Chainik said. If it is your case then we will need to know your renderer (madVR or another) and your graphic card with driver version. You can send us bug report. We can read this info from logs attached to it.

Yeah the line flickers and so does the video at times, where would the setting be to change/customize it? My monitor is at 144hz and it has G-Sync if that matters

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

Start from changing video renderer to EVR Custom with D3D Fullsreen option enabled:
MPC-HC - menu View - Options - Output

Post's attachments

EVR_D3D_Fullscreen_en.png, 25.56 kb, 660 x 500
EVR_D3D_Fullscreen_en.png 25.56 kb, 522 downloads since 2016-08-18 

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

MAG79 wrote:

Start from changing video renderer to EVR Custom with D3D Fullsreen option enabled:
MPC-HC - menu View - Options - Output

Thanks, that helped a little bit but I still see some tearing/skipping. I'm using a GTX 980 with the latest drivers and i'm using the default render that was automatically selected when I installed SVP.

9 (edited by brucethemoose 18-08-2016 21:12:57)

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

Maybe turn down the quality slider a bit?

When SVP auto detected settings for my system (4670k, 7950) it was a bit too much for 1080p. If the SVP index is at 1, and CPU usage is below 80% or so, it shouldn't be a problem... But turn it down a bit just to see.

Also if you do get the Pro version, you should try mpv. As others will tell you, it's tricky to set up and has no GUI, but playback is significantly smoother than the default player for me.

10 (edited by ArcticWolf_11 19-08-2016 18:45:02)

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

brucethemoose wrote:

Maybe turn down the quality slider a bit?

When SVP auto detected settings for my system (4670k, 7950) it was a bit too much for 1080p. If the SVP index is at 1, and CPU usage is below 80% or so, it shouldn't be a problem... But turn it down a bit just to see.

Also if you do get the Pro version, you should try mpv. As others will tell you, it's tricky to set up and has no GUI, but playback is significantly smoother than the default player for me.

My CPU usage is under 20% and its clocked at 5GHz so I doubt it but ill give it a try

EDIT: Nope, no difference sad

11 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 21-08-2016 16:11:48)

Re: How Do I Make SVP 4 Play Smoother?

Try to manually increase the amount of processing threads that SVP uses (see attached image).  Start with 7 threads and then try 11, 15, 19, etc... (fewer threads = lower CPU utilization, but too low of threads = poor SVP performance)

And to clarify, are you running SVP Free or Pro?

Post's attachments

threads.png, 169.48 kb, 720 x 552
threads.png 169.48 kb, 502 downloads since 2016-08-21