Topic: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Avisynth Filter / Vapoursynth Filter is better in any way possible!

Since SVP rev.93.
Requiers Daum PotPlayer build 1.6.63082 or later.

Avisynth part works in SVP 4 Free too, Vapoursynth support available in the Pro version only.

Turned off by default, to turn it on set
main.setup.potplayer.native = true
in the "All settings" window and restart SVP Manager.

To switch between Avisynth and Vapoursynth interfaces, if both are available:
main.setup.potplayer.prefer_avisynth = true or false

More info: … amp;t=3249

2 (edited by James D 16-09-2016 14:29:00)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Finally! Here is that beta of x64 build BTW!RZpSxAhS!YdVCYKDgL0xM … ShTYqE8A_U

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Hey, total newbie here. I have SVP 4 Pro, and I'm still learning about all of the different features. Could you give me a super laymans explanation of what exactly Vapoursynth does, and how its beneficial to  use?

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

vapedragon wrote:

Hey, total newbie here. I have SVP 4 Pro, and I'm still learning about all of the different features. Could you give me a super laymans explanation of what exactly Vapoursynth does, and how its beneficial to  use?

ELI5 ? Vapoursynth is application (library) for video manipulation. Its rewrited from scratch to be best.

5 (edited by vapedragon 16-09-2016 16:44:30)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

I've read that, but frankly I don't have a grasp on what that actually means. what are its practical applications?  It all sounds a bit jargony to me.

6 (edited by James D 17-09-2016 08:00:45)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

vapedragon wrote:

I've read that, but frankly I don't have a grasp on what that actually means. what are its practical applications?  It all sounds a bit jargony to me.

There are 2 ways now how SVP handles its video manipulations: avisynth (legacy) and vapoursynth. Default one is avisynth because it is well known. Avisynth brings whole chain "player>ffdshow>avisynth>SVP". Vapoursynth chain is "player>vapoursynth>SVP".

For you all what matters is what player you use. Some players work with vapoursynth, some with legacy avisynth+ffdshow. The only exclusion now is PotPlayer which may work however you set it up now: avisynth directly, vapoursynth directly or defaulted avisynth+ffdshow. So don't worry unless you use PotPlayer. In that case you can try set up vapoursynth chain if you want extra few % of performance or if you use 64 bit player.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Ok that makes sense. What settings do I need to change in PotPlayer to enable Vapoursynth? I've already adjusted the settings within svp

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

hmm thanks for this

9 (edited by snow8161 17-09-2016 04:23:54)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

i already update potplayer64 to 1.6.63166,and setup up main.setup.potplayer.native = true,also copy vapoursynth64 portable and Python x64 binary to the installed folder of potplayer64,but svp4 pro still show"no active playback",what wrong?

Post's attachments

active.log 2.98 kb, 2236 downloads since 2016-09-17 

s.png 76.61 kb, 326 downloads since 2016-09-16 

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Same issue here. Resetting it back to "false" gets Potplayer64 working again, but whether it's doing what its supposed to is anyone's guess.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

32-bit version works with avisynth (crashes always with some video on SVP start) and not with vapour (can not init vssscript for any script on input and with SVP also). I can not get vapoursytn working with latest 32 bit beta potplayer at all, so there is nothing to do with SVP currently. 64-bit version of potplayer don't work with both avisynth (invalid script) or vapoursynth (could not get our own output mode).
For those who get the 'no video playback found" double check that you unchecked priority for raw ffdshow firlter and you have enabled Built-In video processing filter use (Always use).

Ant step-by-step instruction to get potplayer working with vapour?

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Thanks, but still not working here. I'm using James D's "beta of x64 build."

Unchecking priority for ffdshow raw video filter and enabling built-in video processing filter (Always use) combined with "main.setup.potplayer.native = true" still doesn't work for Potplayer64 on my rig. Set it to "false", however, and it works fine.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

biff, if SVP works after setting it back to false then PotPlayer still used ffdshow. So you try to set "block" checkbox for ffdshow.
But nonetheless Chainik could miss 64 build and only made it work with 32 bit. There was a reason it still is not set by default so it's safe to say that "feature is in beta stage". Beta testers had no chance testing it before so we are in the same situation as everyone else.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Still no good. I guess I'll just have to wait a bit longer. Thanks for the help.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

yep, turns out that PotPlayer 64 uses different window class name, this's why it's not detected by SVP Manager

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

I got vapoursynth working in potplayer 32, but SVP switches to avisynth automatically every time. What am I doing wrong?

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

SVP doesn't include vapoursynth 32-bit plugins yet

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

What about first message and "main.setup.potplayer.prefer_avisynth = true or false"
I do  not have this option  also. And why it's announced if still not available?

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Update to "" to make 64-bit PotPlayer work.

Warning: shit happens (c) big_smile, so

when you're updating from to ALL SETTINGS WILL BE RESET, including VIDEO PROFILES!
SAVE %APPDATA%\SVP4\settings\profiles.cfg FIRST!

basically the helper script "reset-settings.cmd" will be called in the wrong place

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Chainik wrote:

basically the helper script "reset-settings.cmd" will be called in the wrong place

I'm a risky guy, will manual remove of reset-settings.cmd bypass this bug or I shouldn't try that?

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

> will manual remove of reset-settings.cmd bypass this bug

yep it will

22 (edited by w0wan 17-09-2016 14:35:41)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Avisynth works in potplayer64.
Resetted settings manually with running reset-settings.cmd, but i do not have main.setup.potplayer.prefer_avisynth. Is it OK?
EDIT: Finally it appeared in settings, after several restarts of SVP manager

23 (edited by w0wan 17-09-2016 15:14:11)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

BTW I have at least one movie that still crash the potplayer right at the moment, when SVP should show own OSD message.

Edit: I have resetted potplayer (32bit) settings and now SVP shows video stream settings when I put mouse over SVP tray icon but actually video is not smooth, also there is no OSD messages.

18:05:41.215 [i]: Playback: starting up...
18:05:41.215 [i]: Playback [ae207560]: Frame server (32-bit), Avisynth 2.6, C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\avisynth.dll
18:05:41.218 [i]: Playback [ae207560]: resulting video frame 1920x1080
18:05:41.218 [i]: Playback [ae207560]: 1 acceptible profiles, best is 'Автоматический' [0]
18:05:41.218 [i]: Playback [ae207560]: enabled while video is playing
18:05:41.218 [i]: Profile: using auto values [1]
18:05:41.237 [i]: Playback [ae207560]: playing at 59.94 [23.976 *5/2]

FRAPS shows 24 fps

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

can I ask why the video and sound is delay when using Vapoursynth? got it to work on 64 bit potplayer 'cause of the update and I like it, the problem is delay on any anime that I tried.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

sausuke wrote:

can I ask why the video and sound is delay when using Vapoursynth? got it to work on 64 bit potplayer 'cause of the update and I like it, the problem is delay on any anime that I tried.

Are you sure that potplayer  really uses vapoursynth? I have tried different combinations with zero effect, it still using avisynth. Check the SVP logfile.