26 (edited by sausuke 17-09-2016 15:44:10)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

w0wan wrote:
sausuke wrote:

can I ask why the video and sound is delay when using Vapoursynth? got it to work on 64 bit potplayer 'cause of the update and I like it, the problem is delay on any anime that I tried.

Are you sure that potplayer  really uses vapoursynth? I have tried different combinations with zero effect, it still using avisynth. Check the SVP logfile.

Yes, already fixed the problem. Thanks

Post's attachments

asgasgasgasgasgasgasgsagasgas.png, 56.05 kb, 602 x 582
asgasgasgasgasgasgasgsagasgas.png 56.05 kb, 899 downloads since 2016-09-17 

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

I got vapoursynth working only in Potplayer 64 bit, not stable but it works somehow and sometimes. Looked at sausuke screenshot and just copied portable version of vapoursynth into potplayer folder, why do we need full install then?
Can not get it to work in 32 bit version, and both players are very unstable using this "native" mode, crashing everywhere and SVP not doing it's job sometimes, frame rate even drops below the standart movie frameratу and audio sync is horrible, using vapoursynth.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Yes, VS filter is hardly usable right now. Avisynth filter has some issues too.
At least we can now easily test new PotPlayer beta builds.

duam.net forum, 13-sep-2016 by chainik

Vapoursynth filter doesn't allow to use more than 50% of my CPU, so as I push the interplolation settings higher it just starts to slow down the playback.


Korean Thanksgiving Day begins today. The dev. will return in next week.

> Can not get it to work in 32 bit version

One more time. SVP doesn't include 32-bit Vapoursynth FRC engine as of now.

> Looked at sausuke screenshot and just copied portable version of vapoursynth into potplayer folder, why do we need full install then?

As with any other player (except mpv bundled with SVP) you just need to point both PATH and PYTHONPATH env. vars to SVP 4\mpv64 folder.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Thanks for clarification about 32-bit again, I have seen that post but thinking that it's some mistake, AFAIK you have had 32-bit support on the first place smile
Will see what coming next month, waiting for more stable releases.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Okey, we got an update from PotPlayer's support but can't say they gave much useful info though:

감자사랑 wrote:

Ah.. didn't know the x64 file is not available. You need to wait official release for x64 version. For the time being, use x32 version instead.

Built-in filters doesn't seem to respect frame size changes on-the-fly.

Built-in video processor is not designed to provide such a function, according to the dev.

Another one - Vapoursynth filter doesn't allow to use more than 50% of my CPU, so as I push the interplolation settings higher it just starts to slow down the playback. This's not an issue with Avisynth filter though...

There is no limitation from potplayer's side, according to the dev. Probably should ask the author of vapoursynth for the issue.

If PotPlayer was started with a HTTP URL (!) as a command line argument then it always shows "cannot init vsscript." error message. However if I open the player first and then open the same URL via "Open URL..." then it works fine.

Hmm, I'm not sure about it but try x32 version. BTW, there was some updates for vapoursynthe folder.

Potplayer will recognize protable version of vapoursynth from:
1. Module/VapourSynth32 (64 for x64 version)
2. Module/VapourSynth
3. Module

Potplayer will search vapoursynth & python in sequence from the folders above.
Extract both python and vapoursynth to one of folders above.

1. Python
x32: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.5.2 … -win32.zip
x64: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.5.2 … -amd64.zip

2. VapourSynth: https://github.com/vapoursynth/vapoursynth/releases
x32: https://github.com/vapoursynth/vapoursy … e-R33.1.7z
x64: https://github.com/vapoursynth/vapoursy … e-R33.1.7z

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

A new x64 version of Potplayer is out and seems (as far as I can tell) to work well with vapoursynth: http://www.videohelp.com/software/PotPlayer

32 (edited by James D 17-10-2016 06:45:40)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Latest portable vapoursynth (15-th October) finally lets close 64 bit PotPlayer without hang-ons. But I still (maybe same as what Chainik experienced) have weird bug that it plays fine until I set settings higher some point after which I have immediate lags with LOWER framerate than original!
Example: 720p 30 fps video played at 60 at 25% CPU load and after slightly moving bar to the right it immediately went 20-25 with 40-35 dropped frames per second! Lower than original! How is that even possible?

P.S. Didn't find a setting to change PATH variables in PotPlayer so also had to simply copy VS files to PotPlayer dir, not to PoPlayer/Module.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Thanks James D for the heads up on the update: http://www.videohelp.com/software/VapourSynth

34 (edited by tracker35 18-10-2016 15:29:55)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

В сборках PotPlayer от 7sh3, svp теперь исполняется непосредственно в плеере, причем даже в portable - без дополнительных установок avisynth и ffdshow.

In assemblies of PotPlayer from 7sh3, svp is now performed directly in the player, and even portable - without additional installations avisynth and ffdshow.

35 (edited by James D 18-10-2016 16:13:16)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

tracker35 wrote:

В сборках PotPlayer от 7sh3, svp теперь исполняется непосредственно в плеере, причем даже в portable - без дополнительных установок avisynth и ffdshow.

In assemblies of PotPlayer from 7sh3, svp is now performed directly in the player, and even portable - without additional installations avisynth and ffdshow.

It used SVP 3 before. Now it is different and has no gui for switching settings.
But yeah, 7sh3's builds is what I use for... 6 years, I guess. First KMP, then POT.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

can you write guide how to install and setup Vapoursynth? i was trying myself, it loaded in SVP logs but without affects at FPS

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

the same way as for the VLC and Plex:

- add SVP 4\mpv64 folder to the PATH environment variable
- add new env variable called PYTHONPATH, containing the same SVP 4\mpv64 path

... and restart everything

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

thanks, i will try. By the way in win10 already has this variable for winapp http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/7353/ceZVPg.jpg

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Perhaps you can also copy everything from mpv64 folder to a PotPlayer 64 folder.

40 (edited by sprayer 11-11-2016 08:14:46)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

thanks now fps is works but image in player looks like this http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/4957/P3YVm4.jpg
wrong aspect ratio (16/10 my monitor) some borders appearing

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

turn off "outer lighting", it's not supported by this method

42 (edited by sprayer 11-11-2016 09:46:50)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

thanks, video frame - decrease to screen size also had to turn off

i am notice with Vapoursynth video play not so smooth like with Avisynth

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

If I set main.setup.potplayer.prefer_avisynth = false
when SVP runs I get stuttering playback too.

44 (edited by James D 11-11-2016 11:18:54)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Tip: if you decided to try direct interface then go to SVP Control Center>Additional settings>Remote and add to a blacklist your PotPlayer exe file and choose "Without resolution change".
Tip 2: If you use PotPlayer 32 bit then you could install 64 bit version for this testing only. This way you will not need to delete potplayer's exe file from blacklist above and will not need to disable Avisynth/Vapoursynth checkbox in player if you stop testing. Also there is only x64 bit vapour-based plugins for SVP.

Stuttering and dropped frames on Vapoursynth: your CPU isn't loaded to the necessary level, you can check this. Why exactly does this happen? Probably PotPlayer's bug but not sure if developer acknowledges it. Perhaps Chainik will shed the light a little more on this subject.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Frame size modifications are disabled for the "direct PotPlayer interface" in rev.96

46 (edited by tracker35 24-11-2016 13:41:43)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Можно сделать и доп освещение, но оно мерцает на версиях выше 4.0.128
Делается просто. В настройках плеера делаем масштабирование с добавлением черных полос до соотношения строн экрана, тем самым заполняем видеоряд черными полосами.
В скрипте, перед обработкой svp, обрезаем эти черные полосы(вручную или по spatial алгоритму, temporal тут не подойдет), и после, через svplight их-же добавляем, тем-самым не нарушая размера картинки до и после.

Костыль ... но рабочий wink

47 (edited by w0wan 21-02-2017 18:18:56)

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

Что то сломалось, решил попробовать в 1.7.351

20:11:38.323 [i]: Main: starting up SVP 4 Pro []... 
20:11:38.324 [i]: Main: args: none
20:11:38.324 [i]: Main: working dir is C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\
20:11:38.324 [i]: Main: data dir set to C:\Users\w0w\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\
20:11:38.324 [i]: Settings: loading main.cfg OK
20:11:38.325 [i]: Settings: loading ui.cfg OK
20:11:38.325 [i]: Settings: loading frc.cfg OK
20:11:38.325 [i]: Settings: loading profiles.cfg OK
20:11:38.326 [i]: Settings: loading custom.cfg OK
20:11:38.326 [i]: Settings: loading lights.cfg OK
20:11:38.326 [i]: Main: using Qt 5.7.1 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 5.3.0)
20:11:38.326 [i]: Main: device scale is 1.25, user defined scale is 0
20:11:38.326 [i]: Main: system locale is [ru]
20:11:38.326 [i]: Main: preferred language is [en-us]
20:11:38.326 [i]: Main: setting language file to ru.qm...
20:11:38.327 [i]: Main: module 'plugins/svpflow1.dll':
20:11:38.327 [i]: Main: module 'plugins/svpflow2.dll':
20:11:38.327 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow1.dll':
20:11:38.328 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2.dll':
20:11:38.328 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow1_vs.dll':
20:11:38.328 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2_vs.dll':
20:11:38.328 [W]: Main: PATH doesn't contain mpv64 folder, VLC and libmpv players may not work
20:11:38.328 [W]: Main: PYTHONPATH doesn't contain mpv64 folder, VLC and libmpv players may not work
20:11:38.328 [W]: Main: PYTHONPATH is EMPTY
20:11:38.329 [i]: Main: running OpenCL info...
20:11:38.330 [i]: Main: collecting system information...
20:11:38.330 [i]: OS: Windows 10 [10.0.14393]
20:11:38.333 [i]: CPU: Intel Core i7-4770K [base frequency 3501 MHz, 8 threads]
20:11:38.333 [i]: Video: registry info - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
20:11:38.365 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on Intel(R) OpenCL [OpenCL 1.2] (Intel(R) Corporation)
20:11:38.366 [i]: Video 1: device name 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600' (Intel(R) Corporation, ver. [gpuID=11]: OK
20:11:38.366 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on NVIDIA CUDA [OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 8.0.0] (NVIDIA Corporation)
20:11:38.366 [i]: Video 1: device name 'GeForce GTX 770' (NVIDIA Corporation, ver.378.66) [gpuID=21]: OK
20:11:38.366 [i]: Memory:  32446  MB total,  26896 MB free
20:11:38.366 [i]: System: initializing network...
20:11:38.485 [i]: Screens: updating information, 1 screen(s) found
20:11:38.485 [i]: Power: AC is ON [1]
20:11:38.605 [i]: Main: preparing FRC profiles...
20:11:38.664 [i]: Main: preparing performance graphs...
20:11:38.681 [W]: Control: failed to register shortcut Meta+Ctrl+E
20:11:38.736 [i]: Main: preparing ffdshow...
20:11:38.737 [i]: FFDShow: found version 1.3.4533.0
20:11:38.738 [i]: Main: preparing PotPlayer...
20:11:38.738 [i]: Main: preparing mpv...
20:11:38.738 [i]: Main: preparing remote control...
20:11:38.738 [i]: RemoteControl: started
20:11:38.738 [i]: Main: preparing main menu...
20:11:38.746 [i]: Main: loading extensions...
20:11:38.754 [i]: Main: initialization completed in 424 ms, but still waiting for the screens measurement...
20:11:38.758 [i]: Updates: checking now...
20:11:39.794 [i]: PotPlayer: found new player instance
20:11:40.489 [W]: PotPlayer: can't find Vapoursynth, falling back to Avisynth...
20:11:40.506 [i]: PotPlayer: new video in PotPlayerMini64.exe (64-bit) [PotPlayer] on screen 0 using Avisynth engine
20:11:40.532 [i]: Media: video 1280x720 [PAR 1.000] at 29.747 fps [constant]
20:11:40.532 [i]: Media: codec type is AVC, YUV/4:2:0/8 bits
20:11:40.533 [i]: Playback: waiting for screens measurement...
20:11:41.024 [i]: Screens: screen 0 - 1920x1200 @59.953 Hz [measured], x1.3 [94 DPI]
20:11:41.024 [i]: Screens: primary screen is 0
20:11:41.024 [i]: Playback: starting up...
20:11:41.024 [i]: Playback [156749ee]: Frame server (64-bit), AviSynth+ 0.1 (r2420, MT, x86_64), C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\avisynth.dll
20:11:41.028 [i]: Playback [156749ee]: resulting video frame 1280x720
20:11:41.028 [i]: Playback [156749ee]: 2 acceptible profiles, best is '60fps' [0]
20:11:41.035 [i]: Playback [156749ee]: enabled while video is playing
20:11:41.049 [i]: Playback [156749ee]: playing at 59.494 [29.747 *2/1]
20:11:41.049 [i]: Playback [156749ee]: frame transformations are disabled in this video player
20:11:41.807 [i]: Performance: quick estimation = 550 (previous value was 552)

При этом типа все работает. Только плавности нет, OSD сообщений нет.

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

> 1.7.351

works for me

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

It worked for me also, but something went wrong, may be it used filters question.
Can you post used filters screenshot, like that?

Re: [TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

you don't need ffdshow raw filter if you're using "direct interface"

and check "Video -> Video processing filters" menu, I believe it should be "Always use" for the built-in Avisynth engine to work