Topic: SVP broken with DXVA-CP 4K@60 10b decode.
Trying to get this file to play nice. Using LAV Filters CPU decoding, SVP works perfectly. But when using LAV Filters DXVA2-CP, all hell break loose.
The render queue will stay nice and full, but the decoder queue drops like a rock, causes a stall, fill up and repeat. SVP Index shows 0.57 while not even 20% of the CPU is used. Changing automatic quality slider doesn't make a difference. When CPU decoding is used and SVP works, CPU is fully used and performance changes with the quality slider.
Behavior happens whether SVP has GPU acceleration on or off.
Using GTX 1070 and drivers 375.70, with a 4.4GHz i7 5820k. Player is MDPN 64 bit.