Topic: Audio stutter and frames drop

It's really weird. Whenever I try to watch any video(specifically anime), the frame is 60fps and no audio stutter but if I close MPC-HC and reopen another anime, it always audio stuter and frame dropped.
Sometimes, the frames is good but the audio still stutter. This message always appearing on screen warning SVP Index. Beside, if neither of those happened the audio will off sync. I always close all background windows but still get the same result. I used kodi and stream the video on MPC-HC using some tweaking. I watched the video live from Kodi, so the video will be buffering while I'm watching the video.

PC Specs:
CPU : AMD A8-5550M APU 2.1 GHz
Graphics: AMD A8 8550G + R5 M200 Dual Graphics
OS: Windows 8.1 Professional 64 bit

p/s: I'm using 3.1.7 version of SVP because it's better(I think)

Post's attachments

Screenshot_1.png, 27.78 kb, 417 x 454
Screenshot_1.png 27.78 kb, 458 downloads since 2016-11-17 

Screenshot_2.png, 38.47 kb, 659 x 498
Screenshot_2.png 38.47 kb, 477 downloads since 2016-11-17 

Re: Audio stutter and frames drop

You need to disable OSD and Avisynth tab in ffdShow settings window.
Do it with SVP undloaded.

Post's attachments

ffdShow_OSD.png, 19.31 kb, 554 x 468
ffdShow_OSD.png 19.31 kb, 469 downloads since 2016-11-17 

3 (edited by Haziq 17-11-2016 14:43:58)

Re: Audio stutter and frames drop

MAG79 wrote:

Do it with SVP undloaded.

svp unloaded? I did it but it still happened
do I need to untick this one?

4 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 18-11-2016 04:34:59)

Re: Audio stutter and frames drop

Haziq wrote:

if I close MPC-HC and reopen another anime, it always audio stuter and frame dropped

In this situation, pause the video, open the task manager, and check if your CPU utilization is abnormally high; if it is, then check the processes tab and see what is using up so much CPU.