Topic: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

Sorry for posting a new topic so similar to an existing one but my reply on went unanswered and there is at least a difference in operating system. I am using the following relevant packages on a recent install: … mediainfo/ with a modified PKGBUILD to get it to actually build since the maintainer is MIA.

Standalone mpv as well as other wrappers (SMPlayer and gnome-mpv) worked like a charm but Plex seems like it's being...stingy with passing video info down the socket.

eggheaddash@htpc ~ % cat ~/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/mpv.conf
eggheaddash@htpc ~ % cat ~/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/plexmediaplayer.conf 
    "sections": {
        "appleremote": {
            "emulatepht": true
        "audio": {
            "channels": "2.0",
            "device": "auto",
            "devicetype": "basic",
            "exclusive": false,
            "normalize": true,
            "passthrough.ac3": false,
            "passthrough.dts": false,
            "passthrough.dts-hd": false,
            "passthrough.eac3": false,
            "passthrough.truehd": false
        "cec": {
            "activatesource": true,
            "enable": true,
            "hdmiport": 0,
            "poweroffonstandby": false,
            "suspendonstandby": false,
            "usekeyupdown": false,
            "verbose_logging": false
        "main": {
            "allowHttpFallback": "never",
            "alwaysOnTop": false,
            "autoLogin": false,
            "automaticUpdates": true,
            "bgStyle": "blur",
            "clientUUID": "",
            "clock": "CLOCK_OFF",
            "collectUsageData": true,
            "companion": true,
            "disablemouse": false,
            "extrasPrefixCount": 0,
            "fullscreen": false,
            "hdmi_poweron": false,
            "language": "en",
            "layout": "tv",
            "logLevel": "debug",
            "manualUpdateCheck": true,
            "minimizeOnDefocus": false,
            "preventSystemScreensaver": false,
            "remoteInspector": false,
            "showPowerOptions": true,
            "sleepTime": 300000,
            "sounds": true,
            "updateChannel": 0,
            "useOpenGL": false,
            "useSystemVideoCodecs": false,
            "webMode": "tv",
            "webserverport": 32433
        "manualServers": {
            "ip1": "",
            "ip2": "",
            "port1": "32400",
            "port2": "32400"
        "openelec": {
            "systemname": "PlexMediaPlayer"
        "path": {
            "helperprogram": "",
            "startupurl_desktop": "bundled",
            "startupurl_tv": "bundled"
        "privacy": {
        "subtitles": {
            "color": "#EEEEEE,#000000",
            "placement": "center,bottom",
            "size": 32
        "video": {
            "aspect": "normal",
            "audio_delay.24hz": 0,
            "audio_delay.25hz": 0,
            "audio_delay.normal": 0,
            "cache": 75,
            "canSwitchDisplayMode": false,
            "canSwitchVideoPlayer": false,
            "channelQuality": -1,
            "debug.force_vo": "",
            "deinterlace": true,
            "directPlay": true,
            "directStream": true,
            "h264Level": -1,
            "hardwareDecoding": "copy",
            "localQuality": -1,
            "refreshrate.auto_switch": false,
            "refreshrate.delay": 3,
            "remoteQuality": 8,
            "subtitleSize": 100,
            "subtitlesBurnLevel": "never",
            "switchDisplayMode": false,
            "sync_mode": "audio",
            "useAndroidMediaPlayer": false
    "version": 4
eggheaddash@htpc ~ % cat ~/.local/share/SVP4/logs/active.log
20:31:48.658 [i]: Main: starting up SVP 4 Linux []... 
20:31:48.658 [i]: Main: args: -no-scale
20:31:48.658 [i]: Main: working dir is /opt/svp/
20:31:48.658 [i]: Main: data dir set to /home/eggheaddash/.local/share/SVP4/
20:31:48.658 [i]: Settings: loading reg.cfg OK
20:31:48.658 [i]: Settings: loading main.cfg OK
20:31:48.659 [i]: Settings: loading ui.cfg OK
20:31:48.659 [i]: Settings: loading frc.cfg OK
20:31:48.659 [i]: Settings: loading profiles.cfg OK
20:31:48.659 [i]: Settings: loading custom.cfg OK
20:31:48.659 [i]: Settings: loading lights.cfg OK
20:31:48.659 [i]: Main: using Qt 5.7.1 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 6.2.1 20160830)
20:31:48.660 [i]: Main: device scale is 1, user defined scale is 1
20:31:48.660 [i]: Main: system locale is [en]
20:31:48.660 [i]: Main: setting language file to en.qm...
20:31:48.660 [i]: Main: module 'plugins/':
20:31:48.661 [i]: Main: module 'plugins/':
20:31:48.663 [i]: Main: VLC filter (64 bit):
20:31:48.664 [i]: Main: running OpenCL info...
20:31:48.669 [i]: Main: collecting system information...
20:31:48.671 [i]: OS: Linux 4.8.13-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 20 04:05:14 CST 2016 x86_64
20:31:48.693 [i]: Display manager:  / 
20:31:48.694 [i]: CPU: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core [base frequency 3400 MHz, 8 threads]
20:31:48.779 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on Clover [OpenCL 1.1 Mesa 13.0.2] (Mesa)
20:31:48.780 [i]: Video 1: device name 'AMD HAWAII (DRM 3.3.0 / 4.8.13-1-ARCH, LLVM 3.9.0)' (AMD, ver.13.0.2) [gpuID=11]: NOT SUPPORTED
20:31:48.780 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing [OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (2117.7)] (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
20:31:48.780 [i]: Video 1: device name 'Hawaii' (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., ver.2117.7) [gpuID=21]: OK
20:31:48.780 [i]: Memory:  7948  MB total,  7219 MB free
20:31:48.780 [i]: System: initializing network...
20:31:48.786 [i]: Screens: updating information, 1 screen(s) found
20:31:48.786 [i]: Screens: screen 0 (HDMI-A-0) - 1920x1080 @60.000 Hz, x1.0 [30 DPI]
20:31:48.786 [i]: Screens: primary screen is 0
20:31:48.786 [i]: Power: AC is ON [1]
20:31:49.218 [i]: Main: preparing FRC profiles...
20:31:49.270 [i]: Main: preparing performance graphs...
20:31:49.317 [i]: Main: preparing mpv...
20:31:49.336 [i]: Main: preparing remote control...
20:31:49.336 [i]: RemoteControl: started
20:31:49.336 [i]: Main: preparing main menu...
20:31:49.354 [i]: Main: loading extensions...
20:31:49.355 [i]: Extensions: found svplight ...
20:31:49.395 [i]: Main: initialization completed in 726 ms
20:31:49.404 [i]: Updates: checking now...
20:31:51.751 [i]: Performance: quick estimation = 572 (previous value was 575)
20:31:52.092 [i]: VideoPlayer: mpv connected, waiting for the video info...
20:32:10.403 [i]: Main: normal exit
20:32:10.406 [i]: Main: finished cleaning resources

eggheaddash@htpc ~ % grep ipc ~/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/logs/plexmediaplayer.log
2016-12-25 20:31:52 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Setting option 'input-ipc-server' = '/tmp/mpvsocket' (flags = 4) 
2016-12-25 20:31:52 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ipc: Starting IPC master 
2016-12-25 20:31:52 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ipc: Listening to IPC socket. 
2016-12-25 20:31:52 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ipc_0: Client connected
eggheaddash@htpc ~ % tail -n 357 .local/share/plexmediaplayer/logs/plexmediaplayer.log #all lines from after I press play in PMP
2016-12-25 20:32:00 [ INFO  ] JS: [Commands] Executing playMedia 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [Commands] Executing persistPlayQueue 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [Commands] Executing playVideo 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [Player] State => starting 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: Reusing current background image 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [Player] Selected profile for video: {
  "lowestQualityIndex": 3,
  "highestQualityIndex": -1,
  "recommendedLevel": -1,
  "transcodeProtocol": "http",
  "directPlay": {
    "mp4": {},
    "asf": {},
    "avi": {},
    "mkv": {},
    "mpeg": {},
    "mpegts": {},
    "3gpp": {},
    "wtv": {},
    "mov": {}
  "protocols": {
    "http": {},
    "hls": {}
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [Player] State => buffering 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [Companion Timeline] registering player. Type video 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Augmented profile: {
  "directPlay": {
    "mp4": {},
    "asf": {},
    "avi": {},
    "mkv": {},
    "mpeg": {},
    "mpegts": {},
    "3gpp": {},
    "wtv": {},
    "mov": {}
  "directStream": {}
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Starting analysis of 1080 (mkv, h264, aac, 40, high) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Analyzing direct play 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Analyzing video direct stream 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Analyzing audio direct stream 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Analyzing subtitles 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Subtitle codec: srt 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Burn level: never 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [MDE] Analyzing playability 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: canPlay: true 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: canDirectPlay: true 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: canDirectStreamVideo: true 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: canDirectStreamAudio: true 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: useSoftSubtitles: false 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: bitrate: 5294 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: videoResolution: 1080 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: Player: html 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: Protocol: http 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: Direct Play: true 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: hasMDE: 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: path: 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: mediaIndex: 0 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: partIndex: 0 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: protocol: http 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: fastSeek: 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: directPlay: 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: directStream: 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: subtitleSize: 100 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: audioBoost: 100 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: location: lan 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: X-Plex-Session-Identifier: tnvaaw63hglbxro48945i2j4i 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: session: pcy4xs02wezo14vt0dp00ms4i 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: offset: 0 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: subtitles: none 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: X-Plex-Client-Profile-Extra:  
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: copyts: 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [Transcoder] Profile selected: Konvergo 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: URL: 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: Autoplay: true 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: Offset: 0 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] DisplayComponent.cpp @ 246 - Looking for a display at: QRect(1,65 1918x1012) (center: QPoint(959,570) ) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] DisplayComponent.cpp @ 254 - Display index: 0 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] DisplayComponent.cpp @ 246 - Looking for a display at: QRect(1,65 1918x1012) (center: QPoint(959,570) ) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] DisplayComponent.cpp @ 254 - Display index: 0 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Run command: stop, flags=0, args=[] 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: video-sync="audio" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: hwdec="auto-copy" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: videotoolbox-format="nv12" -> -3 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: deinterlace="yes" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: display-fps=60.000000 -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: audio-delay=0.000000 -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Setting option 'cache' = 76800 (flags = 64) -> 0 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 290 - Video framerate: 23.976 fps 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 294 - Not switching refresh-rate (disabled by settings). 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 534 - checking codecs 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] CodecsComponent.cpp @ 786 - Using system audio decoders: true 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] CodecsComponent.cpp @ 787 - Using system video decoders: false 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] CodecsComponent.cpp @ 790 - Not using on-demand codecs. 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 536 - resuming loading 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: video-unscaled=false -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: video-aspect="-1" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: keepaspect=true -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: panscan=0.000000 -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Run command: loadfile, flags=0, args=[, append-play, ad=,aid=no,pause=no,sid=no,vd=] 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - global: config path: 'watch_later' -> '/home/eggheaddash/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/watch_later' 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Setting option 'ad' = '' (flags = 80) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Setting option 'aid' = 'no' (flags = 80) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Setting option 'pause' = 'no' (flags = 80) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Setting option 'sid' = 'no' (flags = 80) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Setting option 'vd' = '' (flags = 80) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer: Playing: 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Running hook: main/on_load 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: ad="lavc:h264,lavc:aac" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: vd="lavc:h264,lavc:aac" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_load] 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg: Opening 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 390 - Entering state: buffering 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] DisplayComponent.cpp @ 246 - Looking for a display at: QRect(1,65 1918x1012) (center: QPoint(959,570) ) 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] DisplayComponent.cpp @ 254 - Display index: 0 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: audio-delay=0.000000 -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: sub-delay=0.000000 -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:01 [ INFO  ] JS: [Player] 0% buffered 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg: Mime-type: 'video/x-matroska' 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg: Stream opened successfully. 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cache: Cache size set to 151800 KiB (75000 KiB backbuffer) 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - demux: Trying demuxers for level=normal. 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Found the head... 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: + a segment... 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Parsing seek head... 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |+ segment information... 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: | + muxing app: libebml v1.3.0 + libmatroska v1.4.1 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: | + writing app: mkvmerge v6.9.1 ('Blue Panther') 64bit built on Apr 18 2014 18:23:38 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: | + timecode scale: 1000000 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: | + duration: 1314.709s 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: | + segment uid 8c 65 48 08 f7 3d bd ba 81 9d 4a e9 8a 71 c1 13 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |+ segment tracks... 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: | + a track... 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Track number: 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Track type: Video 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Video track 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |   + Display width: 1920 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |   + Display height: 1080 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |   + Pixel width: 1920 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |   + Pixel height: 1080 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + CodecPrivate, length 43 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Default duration: 41.708ms ( = 23.976 fps) 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: | + a track... 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Track number: 2 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Track type: Audio 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Audio track 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |   + Sampling frequency: 48000.000000 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |   + Channels: 2 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Codec ID: A_AAC 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + CodecPrivate, length 2 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Default duration: 21.333ms ( = 46.875 fps) 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: | + a track... 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Track number: 3 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Track type: Subtitle 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |  + Codec ID: S_TEXT/UTF8 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: |+ found cluster 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Deferring reading cues. 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Seeking to 869864811 to read header element 0x1941a469. 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cache: Dropping cache at pos 869864811, cached range: 0-40960. 
2016-12-25 20:32:02 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cache: Seeking underlying stream: 40960 -> 869864811 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Parsing attachments... 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cache: EOF reached. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Attachment: small_cover.jpg, image/jpeg, 5037 bytes 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Attachment: cover.jpg, image/jpeg, 23754 bytes 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Attachment: cover_land.jpg, image/jpeg, 24552 bytes 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: Attachment: small_cover_land.jpg, image/jpeg, 8562 bytes 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cache: Dropping cache at pos 5672, cached range: 869864811-869926925. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cache: Seeking underlying stream: 869926925 -> 5672 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 1222 - h264profile: "high" 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] CodecsComponent.cpp @ 786 - Using system audio decoders: true 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] CodecsComponent.cpp @ 787 - Using system video decoders: false 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] CodecsComponent.cpp @ 790 - Not using on-demand codecs. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - mkv: All headers are parsed! 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - demux: Detected file format: Matroska 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cache: blocking for STREAM_CTRL 6 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - global: config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/home/eggheaddash/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/sub/' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - global: config path: 'audio/' -/-> '/home/eggheaddash/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/audio/' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Running hook: main/on_preloaded 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: sid="1" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: aid="1" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: ad="lavc:h264,lavc:aac,lavc:mjpeg,lavc:mjpeg,lavc:mjpeg,lavc:mjpeg" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: vd="lavc:h264,lavc:aac,lavc:mjpeg,lavc:mjpeg,lavc:mjpeg,lavc:mjpeg" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_preloaded] 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer:  (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer:      Video --vid=2 [P] 'small_cover.jpg' (mjpeg) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer:      Video --vid=3 [P] 'cover.jpg' (mjpeg) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer:      Video --vid=4 [P] 'cover_land.jpg' (mjpeg) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer:      Video --vid=5 [P] 'small_cover_land.jpg' (mjpeg) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer:  (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer:  (+) Subs  --sid=1 --slang=eng (*) (subrip) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vo/opengl-cb: Assuming 60.000000 FPS for display sync. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Container reported FPS: 23.976000 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - vd: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - vd: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - vd: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - vd: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - vd: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - vd: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Codec list: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd:     h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Opening video decoder h264 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Probing 'vdpau'... 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Not using this for auto-copy mode. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Probing 'vdpau-copy'... 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Trying hardware decoding. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Window size: 1918x1012 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video source: 0x0 (0:0) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video display: (0, 0) 1x1 -> (0, 0) 1918x1012 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video scale: 1918.000000/1012.000000 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: OSD borders: l=-1073740864 t=0 r=-1073740866 b=0 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Selected video codec: h264 (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - ad: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - ad: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - ad: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - ad: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - ad: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ WARN  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 516 - ad: Codec family selection is deprecated. Pass the codec name directly. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ad: Codec list: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ad:     aac - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ad:     aac_fixed (aac) - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ad: Opening audio decoder aac 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ad: Requesting 1 threads for decoding. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ad: Selected audio codec: aac (AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - global: config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/eggheaddash/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/fonts' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - sub/ass: Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 1.3.4 (COMPLEX) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - global: config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/eggheaddash/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/subfont.ttf' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - global: config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/eggheaddash/.local/share/plexmediaplayer/fonts.conf' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - sub/ass: Setting up fonts... 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - sub/ass: Using font provider fontconfig 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - sub/ass: Done. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Starting playback... 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af: Audio filter chain: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af:   [in] 48000Hz stereo 2ch floatp 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af:   [out] 48000Hz stereo 2ch floatp 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af:   [ao] 48000Hz stereo 2ch floatp 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao: Trying audio driver 'pulse' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse: requested format: 48000 Hz, stereo channels, floatp 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse: Library version: 9.0.0 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse: Proto: 31 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse: Server proto: 4294967295 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse: Channel layouts: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #fl 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #fr 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #fc 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #lfe 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #bl 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #br 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #flc 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #frc 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #bc 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #sl 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #sr 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #tc 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #tfl 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #tfc 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #tfr 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #tbl 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #tbc 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse:  - #tbr 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse: result: stereo 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse: device buffer: 6000 samples. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ao/pulse: using soft-buffer of 9600 samples. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer: AO: [pulse] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: AO: Description: PulseAudio audio output 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af: Adding filter lavrresample  
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af: Setting option 'normalize' = 'yes' (flags = 0) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af: Setting option 'o' = 'surround_mix_level=1' (flags = 0) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af: Audio filter chain: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af:   [in] 48000Hz stereo 2ch floatp 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af:   [lavrresample] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float [a] 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af:   [out] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - af:   [ao] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Pixel formats supported by decoder: vdpau vaapi_vld yuv420p 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Codec profile: High (0x64) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg/video: h264: Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: vdpau 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - vd: Using hardware decoding (vdpau-copy). 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Decoder format: 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Using container aspect ratio. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vf: Video filter chain: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vf:   [in] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vf:   [out] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - vf: Opening video filter: [yadif] 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - yadif: Using libavfilter for 'yadif' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - yadif: lavfi: create graph: 'yadif=mode=send_field:deint=interlaced' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg: src: w:1920 h:1080 pixfmt:nv12 tb:1/1000000 fr:0/1 sar:1/1 sws_param: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg: auto-inserted scaler 0: w:iw h:ih flags:'4' interl:0 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg: Parsed_yadif_0: auto-inserting filter 'auto-inserted scaler 0' between the filter 'src' and the filter 'Parsed_yadif_0' 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg: auto-inserted scaler 0: w:1920 h:1080 fmt:nv12 sar:1/1 -> w:1920 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 flags:0x4 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vf: Video filter chain: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vf:   [in] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vf:   [yadif] "deinterlace" 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vf:   [out] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - ffmpeg/video: h264: Increasing reorder buffer to 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: video-unscaled=false -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: video-aspect="-1" -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: keepaspect=true -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: Set property: panscan=0.000000 -> 1 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Window size: 1918x1012 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video source: 0x0 (0:0) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video display: (0, 0) 1x1 -> (0, 0) 1918x1012 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video scale: 1918.000000/1012.000000 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: OSD borders: l=-1073740864 t=0 r=-1073740866 b=0 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Decoder format: 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - vd: Using container aspect ratio. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 514 - cplayer: VO: [opengl-cb] 1920x1080 yuv420p 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: VO: Description: OpenGL Callbacks for libmpv 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: set video colors output-levels=0  
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Window size: 1918x1012 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video source: 1920x1080 (1:1) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (59, 0) 1799x1012 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video scale: 0.936979/0.937037 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: OSD borders: l=59 t=0 r=60 b=0 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Video borders: l=59 t=0 r=60 b=0 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Testing FBO format 0x805b 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Create FBO: 16x16 (16x16) 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Using FBO format 0x805b. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode. 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Texture for plane 0: 1920x1080 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Texture for plane 1: 960x540 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Texture for plane 2: 960x540 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: recompiling a shader program: 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  1] color.r = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture0, texcoord0)).r; 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  2] color.g = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture1, texcoord1)).r; 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  3] color.b = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture2, texcoord2)).r; 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  4] // color conversion 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  5] color.rgb = mat3(colormatrix) * color.rgb + colormatrix_c; 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  6] color.a = 1.0; 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  7] // color mapping 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: first video frame after restart shown 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: starting audio playback 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - cplayer: playback restart complete 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 382 - Entering state: playing 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] JS: [Player] State => playing 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ DEBUG ] PowerComponent.cpp @ 58 - Disabling OS screensaver 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] JS: [Timeline] playing, 0/1314709 
2016-12-25 20:32:03 [ INFO  ] JS: [PlayerController] State change playing 
2016-12-25 20:32:04 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - sub/ass: fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans.ttf, 0, DejaVuSans 
2016-12-25 20:32:04 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: Reallocating OSD texture to 64x64. 
2016-12-25 20:32:04 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: recompiling a shader program: 
2016-12-25 20:32:04 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  1] // OSD (libass) 
2016-12-25 20:32:04 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  2] color = vec4(ass_color.rgb, ass_color.a * texture(osdtex, texcoord).r); 
2016-12-25 20:32:04 [ DEBUG ] PlayerComponent.cpp @ 512 - opengl-cb: [  3] // color mapping 
2016-12-25 20:32:05 [ DEBUG ] SystemComponent.cpp @ 153 - "System Information : build(linux)-arch(x86_64).dist(linux).version(" 
2016-12-25 20:32:05 [ DEBUG ] UpdaterComponent.cpp @ 86 - Checking for updates at: "" 
2016-12-25 20:32:06 [ ERROR ] UpdaterComponent.cpp @ 137 - Error downloading: QUrl("") - "Error transferring - server replied: Not Found" 
2016-12-25 20:32:06 [ ERROR ] UpdaterComponent.cpp @ 302 - Failed to parse check.xml data! 
2016-12-25 20:32:06 [ INFO  ] JS: Updater: error when downloading:  Error transferring 
2016-12-25 20:32:06 [ INFO  ] JS: Updater: Checking again in 360 minutes 
2016-12-25 20:32:06 [ DEBUG ] KonvergoWindow.cpp @ 401 - Windowed visibility set to  QWindow::Visibility(Hidden) 

As you can see Plex connects to the IPC server once they are both running but does not properly use it once Play is pressed on the video, leaving SVP waiting. Also I don't know if this is related but I found during testing that if SVP is closed with a SIGINT from the terminal (via ctrl+c) the

VideoPlayer: mpv connected, waiting for the video info...

line shows up even if no mpv players are running when it is restarted, it must be closed through the GUI or SIGABRT for that line to properly reset (interestingly closing through the GUI causes a segfault but SIGSEGV doesn't reset it).

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

this's similar to that one

will be fixed in the next build

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

please check if this one will fix it

Post's attachments

SVPManager.97.tar.gz 1.29 mb, 591 downloads since 2016-12-27 

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

Thanks, that did the trick, although I'm a little surprised how little performance I gained by upgrading from a laptop with an i7-3610qm to a desktop with an FX 8350, as in almost none. And GPU acceleration actually makes things worse. Oh well.

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

> And GPU acceleration actually makes things worse.

higher cpu load? hmm

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

Sorry for late reply, I was busy yesterday. In attempting to investigate I found SVP's performance monitor's assessment of my clock speed was completely bonkers. At first it said 2.7, yet my CPU is 4Ghz. I checked my BIOS to make sure I hadn't accidentally done any insane underclocking by accident (I had not) and upon rebooting it was down to 1.4! I killed SVP and restarted it, now it was up to 3.3! Restarted again, back to 2.7. Could this have anything to do with my issue?

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

> Could this have anything to do with my issue?

nope, this's just a value readed from /proc/cpuinfo

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

Okay I did some testing, using a one-minute clip of Star vs the Forces of Evil for animation testing and a one-minute clip of Fear the Walking Dead for live-action. I tried to get figures from my laptop for comparison but after updating PMP as well as installing the aur packages from above (several of them were installed manually and several months out of date) as well as the modified binary you posted it is simply giving an error that it can't find mpv's pid, so we'll have to do without. Both source files were 1080p at 23.97 fps being interpolated to 59.94 fps, and all tests were done with 15 threads. Numbers are reported in number of frames dropped during the one minute test as reported by Plex's debug OSD, along with a subjective opinion of how watchable it was. Low and High settings refer to the lowest and highest presets.

Star, Low settings, No Acceleration: 68, Watchable

Star, Low settings, Accleration: 875, Some stuttering but mostly

Star, High settings, Acceleration: 2032, Starts watchable but quickly

Star, High settings, No acceleration: 2047, Barely watchable throughout

FtWD, High settings, No acceleration: 1448, Not watchable

FtWD, High settings, Acceleration: 2033, Not watchable

FtWD, Low Settings, Acceleration: 1344, Not watchable

FtWD, Low Settings, No acceleration: 949, barely watchable

As stated earlier, the CPU used for this test was an AMD FX-8350 with 8 cores at 4Ghz. The GPU was an AMD R9 290. The only running programs during these tests were the compiz window manager, PMP, SVP, and gnome-terminal (so i could see SVP's STDOUT and use nano to log results). I restarted SVP a few times and the quick performance estimation reported when started from the terminal tended to be around the high 500s. For the laptop (which as stated earlier I could start SVP but not use) tended to be around the high 400s and low 500s. That laptop is using an Intel i7-3610QM with 4 cores at 2.3Ghz and my memory of its real world performance was about the same as the 8350 despite being ostensibly only half as powerful. Any ideas what could be wrong about my configuration?

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

> Any ideas what could be wrong about my configuration?

probably some video renderer option
try the one that is recommended for macOS: opengl-early-flush=no

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

Didn't help much if at all.

Re: Plex Media Player not doing anything (Arch Linux)

> I tried to get figures from my laptop for comparison but after updating PMP as well as installing the aur packages from above (several of them were installed manually and several months out of date) as well as the modified binary you posted it is simply giving an error that it can't find mpv's pid, so we'll have to do without.

Ensure that lsof utility is installed.