1 (edited by fighuass 11-02-2017 12:25:03)

Topic: Windows 10 - Having a LOT of dropped frames using SVP4 with madVR.

It doesn't matter what my madVR settings or SVP settings are, it will always drop a lot of frames.

I included my specs and the results of a SVPmark 3 benchmark test.

EDIT: It seems that it only does this when I play a video fullscreen, windowed mode has no problems whatsoever. Wtf?

Post's attachments

DxDiag.txt 78.77 kb, 525 downloads since 2017-02-11 

svpmark_1102_1236.log 1.22 kb, 408 downloads since 2017-02-11 

Re: Windows 10 - Having a LOT of dropped frames using SVP4 with madVR.

How much dropped frame per second?
What is your screen refresh rate?
What is SVP resulted framerate?

You can send us problem report just after palyback with dropped frames.
SVP tray menu - Information - Send problem report...
We will see the answers in the your logs from report.

Re: Windows 10 - Having a LOT of dropped frames using SVP4 with madVR.

Okay, sent a log yesterday. Has it been delivered properly?

Re: Windows 10 - Having a LOT of dropped frames using SVP4 with madVR.

First of all, I see in the log you are using GeForce GTX 970 and NVIDIA driver version 378.49. Try to install previous one. Maybe it is the cause.
More info: DO NOT use NVidia 378.49 drivers!
Try it.

Second. I see your monitor has refresfh rate 60.003 Hz and video has framerate 59.94 fps. It must give you one repeated frame each 60.003/(60.003-59.94) = 952 sec. It is far from 20-40 dropped frames per seconds as you wrote.

5 (edited by fighuass 12-02-2017 19:13:44)

Re: Windows 10 - Having a LOT of dropped frames using SVP4 with madVR.

Installing the old drivers made the framerate drops a lot lower (first it was 20-40 now it's 1-4). I must say though, the reason I had less frame drops in my log is because my madVR settings were a lot lower. Still, I'm using the absolute lowest madVR settings and I'm *still* getting frame drops. Extremely weird, since even a potato quality laptop from 2012 can run madVR + SVP without framedrops, yet my decent PC with a GTX 970 and an i5 can't.

Oh, and sometimes SVP gives me a popup about "OpenCL causing freezing/problems" or something along those lines. Does this have something to do with my problem, perhaps?

EDIT: I'm going on holiday for a week tomorrow, so I won't be able to try anything else for now. I'd appreciate it if you could keep coming with solutions, though. I'll try them all once I'm back!

Re: Windows 10 - Having a LOT of dropped frames using SVP4 with madVR.

Hmm, it seems that playing 60fps videos without SVP have the same issues...