Topic: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

Hi there!

Last night I was prompted to update the MPC to 1.7.11 and I did. After, I noticed occasional frame drops / stuttering in all videos (I usually watch 1080p content but I noticed it on DVD quality stuff as well). I reinstalled gpu drivers, SPV and MPC but I'm still getting these occasional drops, not sure what to do. Any ideas?

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

Previous build distributed with SVP was 1.7.10 build 276.
Basing on commits log I really doubt there's big difference with 1.7.11 release, but you can try to revert to that version...

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

I reverted to the version you specified and it seems the stuttering is gone. I'll be back after I watch more stuff.

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

Everything is back to normal after revert. Maybe there's some incompatibility between new MPC version and SPV?

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

more likely it's some option changed its default value or something like that...

there was another nightly build - from 2017-02-26, what about it?

6 (edited by Xenocyde 09-03-2017 07:47:32)

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

I restored all settings to default, even deleted user preferences, I don't think it's because of a defaulted option.

I haven't tried the 296 build, I really wouldn't like to mess with things again.

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

you can just install it into another folder
or even don't install at all, there's portable version for every build

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

OK, so I installed build 296 and 1.7.11 to separate folders and none are stuttering. Could the problem be with overwriting the existing version by the SVP updater?

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

well, SVP install/upgrade script can possibly touch (or don't touch) these settings only:
- on Playback -> Output tab: video renderer, "D3D fullscreen" checkbox, resizer for EVR-CP
- in Internal filters -> Video decoder: hw decoder, UHD checkbox, hw deinterlacing

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

Anyway, I'll stick with 1.7.10 build 276 for now. I'll see how the next update via SVP updater works.

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

it might be no MPC-HC updates in the next 1.5 years though big_smile

Re: Occasional frame drops after update to MPC-HC 1.7.11

Works for me ;P