Topic: SVP Tube 2 DASH and Adding video to playlist instead of Play
I'm struggling a lot with trying to accomplish the very thing explained in the subject topic.
To make long story short I want to force SVPTube2 to add stream to player's playlist instead of playing it immediately.
Can't do this for DASH streams for some reason.
I'm doing the most obvious thing:
- Going to SVP All Settings
- changing tube->player->user path to for instance:
C:\AudioVideo\Media Player Classic - BE\mpc-be.exe "/add"
"C:\AudioVideo\Media Player Classic - BE\mpc-be.exe" "/add" "%1"
But this is simply not working with DASH videos (all youtube >= 1080p stuff).
I think there is some specific way SVPTube2 sending these kind of streams to the destination player (especially MPC-HC or MPC-BE) because if I get the video address and manually issue it in MPC-HC I'm not getting audio only video.
I would appreciate any help or explanation how all this work.
For SVPTube1 and nonDASH streams I wrote some vbs script to intelligently add or play immediately the target player depending on the player state.
I want to do the same for SVPTube2 but to do so I have to know the exact command SVPTube2 executes sending DASH stream to DASH-supporting player (MPC-HC or MPC-BE).